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Nuclear Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Energy

2 Nuclear History in PA In 1957, the first commercial nuclear power plant in the United States went on line in Shippingport, Pennsylvania In 1979, the Three Mile Island nuclear plant has a meltdown

3 Nuclear Power in PA PA ranks 2nd in the country in nuclear power generation How many nuclear power facilities are there in PA? 5 facilities Closest on in Limerick, PA

4 Limerick, PA Limerick Nuclear Power Plant

5 Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S.

6 Ummm . . . You rainy?

7 Uranium Fuel Pellets Uranium Ore
U-235 is more desirable because it’s easier to split (fission) Enrichment process increases the amount of U-235 Uranium Ore 99.3% of all uranium atoms are the isotope U-238 Remaining 0.7% are U-235

8 Fission A nuclear power plant converts the energy contained within the nuclei of atoms into electrical energy U-235 absorbs a neutron to become highly unstable U-236 U-236 splits and releases a tremendous amount of heat energy

9 Nuclear Fission

10 What kind of bait do you use?
Nuclear Humor What kind of bait do you use? I love nuclear fission!


12 Nuclear Energy in the World
Nuclear power plants generate about 22% of the United States’ electricity In comparison: 75% in France 46% in Sweden 43% in Ukraine 39% in South Korea 30% in Germany 30% in Japan

13 Cooling Towers Most nuclear power plants that aren’t located next to the ocean need cooling towers to remove the excess heat IT IS NOT RADIOACTIVE

14 Benefits “Clean” source of energy Reduce dependence on fossil fuels
No CO2 emissions No SO2 emissions Reduce dependence on fossil fuels Stable energy prices

15 Drawbacks Mining for uranium isn’t “environmentally-friendly”
Meltdowns – nuclear reactor accident in which radioactive gases are released into the atmosphere (ex: Three Mile Island) Used fuel remains radioactive for thousands of years

16 Nuclear Power Plant Meltdowns
In 1986, the Chernobyl (Ukraine) nuclear reactor exploded 50 tons of radioactive material spewed into the surrounding area, contaminating millions of acres of forest. Forced the evacuation of at least 30,000 people Eventually caused thousands to die from cancer and other illnesses

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