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Turn of the Century T. Thomas 5 th Grade 2014 - 2015.

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1 Turn of the Century T. Thomas 5 th Grade 2014 - 2015

2 Common Core Standards SS5H3 The student will describe how life changed in America at the turn of the century. a. Describe the role of the cattle trails in the late 19th century; include the Black Cowboys of Texas, the Great Western Cattle Trail, and the Chisholm Trail. b. Describe the impact on American life of the Wright brothers (flight), George Washington Carver (science), Alexander Graham Bell (communication), and Thomas Edison (electricity). c. Explain how William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt expanded America’s role in the world; include the Spanish-American War and the building of the Panama Canal. d. Describe the reasons people emigrated to the United States, from where they emigrated, and where they settled. e. Describe the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans; include the Battle of the Little Bighorn and the relocation of Native Americans to reservations

3 Transcontinental Railroad 1. Explain the importance of the Transcontinental Railroad. - a railroad that crosses a continent; it made travel shorter and easier from California to the East;

4 2. Who worked on the Transcontinental Railroad? - former soldiers, freed African Americans, Irish Immigrants, & Chinese Americans 3. Explain the treatment of Chinese Americans while constructing the Transcontinental Railroad. -they were paid less money, were given dangerous jobs(such as using explosives)

5 4. What does it mean to be prejudice? - is an unfair, negative opinion that can lead to unjust treatment 5. What was the effect of the Transcontinental Railroad? - helped to settle the West, earn money for shipping their goods to markets, carried cattle and wheat and other Western crops to Eastern cities.

6 6. Why did settlers from Europe and the East move to the Great Plains? - land was offered at a low price; good farmland; 7. Tell about the Exodusters. -African Americans who moved from the South (after the book Exodus in the Bible); they were trying to find a place to be free and own land.

7 8. Why was life on the Great Plains so difficult? - harsh climate, winters were bitterly cold, violent storms in the spring, tornadoes, floods, prairie fires, and hailstorms. settlers also had very little rainfall and wood was scarce so they lived in sod houses.

8 Cattle Ranchers 9. What is a vaqueros? - Mexican cowhands that were respected for their skill at herding cattle; led cattle to railheads 10. Why did Texas cattle ranchers want to sell their animals in the East and North? - cattle was cheaper in Texas (about $4)

9 Cattle Drives 11. What is a cattle drive? -trails that lead from Texas to railheads in the North; Chisholm Trail was the most famous 12. Explain the Chisholm Trail. - trail that led cattle from Texas to railheads in Kansas to railroads that led eastward;

10 13. Why did the cattle trails end? - the invention of barbed wire; growth of railroads; not enough grass to feed the cattle because of overcrowded ranges; they only lasted about 20 years 14. What was life like as a cowhand? -They slept on the ground wrapped on blankets, had to make sure to keep a watchful eye on cattle at all time.

11 Nat Love 15. What role did Nat Love and other African Americans have in the Cattle Drives? - a famous African American who was a cowhand on the cattle drives; being a cowhand bought a new found freedom to African Americans

12 Fights with the Native Americans 16. What is a reservation? - land that the government set aside for American Indians; they didn’t want to live on this land because it was too small; this sparked many battles; Ex: Battle of the Little Bighorn & Battle of Wounded Knee

13 17. Why did the Federal Government want the Indians to assimilate? - they would be less likely to fight if they give up their old ways, traditions, and customs; this made the Ghost Dance illegal

14 New Inventions of the late 1800s 18. List some of the new inventions of the late 1800s. a. telegraph- invented by Samuel Morse; made communication faster and easier b. paper bag- holds more items

15 c. telephone- invented by Alexander Graham Bell; made communication easier and quicker especially for those in office buildings or hundreds of miles away. d. light bulb – invented by Thomas Edison; much safer; allowed factories to stay open after dark

16 e. oil cup- invented Elijah McCoy; kept trains and other machines running longer by dripping oil over the moving parts. f. typewriter- saved time by typing letters and reports g. record player- invented by Thomas Edison; allowed sounds such as music and speech to be recorded and played back.

17 Big Business: Corporations & Monopolies 19. What is an entrepreneur? a person who starts their own business 20. Explain the difference between a corporation and a monopoly. - Corporation- a business in which many people own shares or parts of the business - Monopoly- a company with no competition

18 21. Explain competition. - more than one business tries to sell the same goods or services.

19 Immigrants in America 22. Why did immigrants move to the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s? - they were looking for work, to escape war and persecution, and unfair treatment or punishment

20 23. Explain immigration stations. -Ellis Island on the East Coast and Angel Island on the West Coast was where immigrants went first. They were checked out by doctors to be sure they didn’t have any diseases 24. In what ways were Asian immigrants treated differently than immigrants from Europe? - most European immigrants were let into the country while many Asians were returned home;

21 25. What cities grew quickly in the late 1800s and early 1900s? a. Chicago, IL - quickly grew because of it location near transpiration routes, natural resources, and Lake Michigan b. Pittsburg, PA- on a major railroad; big industrialized city known for its steel “Steel City” C. New York City, NY- many immigrants arrived here; home to Ellis Island

22 27. What were some changes in cities during the late 1800s and early 1900s? a. skyscrapers – very tall buildings made of steel b. rapid transits – system of transportation used to move people around cities c. slums – poor crowded part of a city

23 New Amendments: 17 th & 19 th 28. Explain the two Amendments Congress passed in the early 1900s? a. 17 th Amendment: allows voters to choose their lawmakers b. 19 th Amendment: allows women to vote

24 People Working for Equality 29. What is the NAACP and what is its purpose? - The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); works for equality of African Americans; one of its leaders was W.E.B. Du Bois (who was a writer and professor; Booker T. Washington was another African American leader who started a school to educate blacks

25 Ku Klux Klan 30. Describe the hate group known as the KKK. - a group that attacked African Americans and other different nationalities ; started around the early 1900s; made life difficult for African Americans

26 The Great Migration 31. Explain the Great Migration. - Between 1910 – 1930, about 1.5 million African Americans left the rural South; most went North to work in large factories and businesses

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