February 2008 Referee as a Leader. Law Update 2010 ELV Free Kick sanctions at tackle, ruck, maul no longer apply Key changes include: – Substitutions.

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Presentation on theme: "February 2008 Referee as a Leader. Law Update 2010 ELV Free Kick sanctions at tackle, ruck, maul no longer apply Key changes include: – Substitutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 2008 Referee as a Leader

2 Law Update 2010 ELV Free Kick sanctions at tackle, ruck, maul no longer apply Key changes include: – Substitutions in event of uncontested scrums – Ruck – player with hands on ball prior to formation – Ruck – Offside clarified – Ruck/maul – player must bind with whole arm – Ruck/maul – charging clarified

3 Referee as a Leader Law Update 2010 May replace up to 3 front row and 5 other Substituted player may replace a front row player – If uncontested scrums have been ordered and all front row replacements used. – If front row replacements are available they must be used. Advantage cannot be played after ball is dead. Except in scrum, ruck or maul a player cannot hold, push or obstruct opponent without the ball A player must not charge (ie no arms) into ruck or maul

4 Referee as a Leader Law Update 2010 Player joining ruck or maul MUST bind with whole arm. Player MUST not handle ball in ruck unless legally have hands on ball prior to formation of ruck. Player joining ruck must do so from behind the hindmost foot of his team in ruck. When an attacking player grounds the ball in goal and simultaneously touches the dead ball or touch in goal lines or beyond a 22m drop out is awarded.

5 Referee as a Leader Sanzar Refereeing Philosophy for 2010 Firmer, earlier Greater compliance by players and referees, to Law! – Earlier action by the referee, where there is non-compliance, – Greater penalty for players / teams not changing behavior, earlier in the game! – Therefore, greater reward for the teams that “get it right!!! Shift balance to attacking team

6 Referee as a Leader VRRA Refereeing Philosophy for 2010 Firmer, earlier Reward positive play Legal tackles Safe scrums Common sense refereeing

7 Referee as a Leader VRRA Refereeing Philosophy for 2010 Common sense refereeing Appropriate sanctions for level of skill & knowledge Zero tolerance – First instance will be managed Low tolerance – Second instance will be managed Managed may mean: P1,P2, ColtsPK/FK (min.) Other SeniorPreventative Communication JuniorsPreventative Communication and Coaching

8 Referee as a Leader VRRA Refereeing Philosophy for 2010 - Tackle Goal: legal contest that rewards positive play and provides time and space We will achieve this through zero tolerance of: Tackler not releasing or opening up Tackler falling on wrong side Tackler getting to feet & not releasing Attacking/defending players sealing off Pillars (incl. marginal)

9 Referee as a Leader VRRA Refereeing Philosophy for 2010 - Ruck Goal: legal contest that rewards positive play and provides time and space We will achieve this through: Allowing player legally with hands on ball at formation to continue to play the ball. Allowing low clean out (player must open up) Low tolerance of players made offside by formation Zero tolerance of Pillars (incl. marginal)

10 Referee as a Leader VRRA Refereeing Philosophy for 2010 - Scrum Goal: a safe restart of play which is a fair contest which provides clean ball with time and space We will achieve this through: Unbearably slow engagement call (C-T-P-E) Low tolerance of no touch Low tolerance of slipped bind on engagement Zero tolerance of shoulders below hips post engagement – PK Zero tolerance of hips not square Zero tolerance of offside

11 Referee as a Leader Summary Law – ELV Sanctions no longer apply Sanzar Philosophy Earlier and firmer Balance back to attacking team VRRA Philosphy Earlier/firmer and balance to attacking team, plus Safe scrums Legal tackles, and Common sense refereeing

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