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Convergent Plate Boundaries 10/6/15 7-3b pg. 178 IN: What do you think happens when tectonic plates collide? Put your DRW on the box.

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Presentation on theme: "Convergent Plate Boundaries 10/6/15 7-3b pg. 178 IN: What do you think happens when tectonic plates collide? Put your DRW on the box."— Presentation transcript:

1 Convergent Plate Boundaries 10/6/15 7-3b pg. 178 IN: What do you think happens when tectonic plates collide? Put your DRW on the box

2  Hot material deep within the Earth rises while cooler material near the surface sinks. ◦ This is what causes tectonic plates to move around. Convection

3  The process by which an oceanic plate slides down the lithosphere- asthenosphere boundary. Ridge Push

4  The process by which the edge of the oceanic plate sinks and pulls the rest of the tectonic plate with it. Slab Pull

5 Sea-Flooring Spreading

6 These plates are moving around.  Which means that they: ◦ Convergent Boundary  Collide  run into one another ◦ Divergent Boundary  Divide  move away from one another ◦ Transform Boundary  Slide  slide past one another


8  Collide  When two tectonic plates push into one another. Convergent Boundaries

9  3 types: ◦ Continental/Continental ◦ Continental/Oceanic ◦ Oceanic/Oceanic

10 Continental/Continental  Forms mountains.


12 Himalayan Mountains

13 Continental/Oceanic  Forms land volcanoes and trenches.

14  The region where oceanic plates sink down into the asthenosphere. ◦ Forms deep sea trenches. Subduction Zones

15 Mariana Trench -7 miles deep.

16 -If Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth at 8,850 meters (29,040 ft), was set in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench, there would be 2,060 meters (6,760 ft) of water left above it.Mount Everest



19 Oceanic/Oceanic  Forms ocean volcanoes and islands.


21 OUT: At a continental/continental collision why does the lithosphere buckle upward and not downward?

22 Convergent Boundaries

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