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Russian Revolutions. The Revolution of 1905 (1905-1907)

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1 Russian Revolutions

2 The Revolution of 1905 (1905-1907)

3 Reasons: Failure of Russia in war with Japan, Unlimited power of Tsar, Poorly developed economy, Attack on patriotic demonstration near to Winter Palace, Lack of jobs, Economic crisis, Strict rules of Tsar Nicolas II, ‘Bloody Sunday’.

4 ‘Bloody Sunday’- 22nd of May 1905 Took place in Petersburg, Organized by Society of workers Petersburg, Led by a pop Gieorgij Gapon, People wanted: political reforms, The end of the war with Japan, 8 hours of workday, Legislative reforms. That manifestation had truly bloody end, Over 1000 people were killed.

5 Course: Bloody Sunday, General strike, Revolution was supported not only by laborers but also by peasants, students and soldiers, Sailors rebellion on the battleship ‘Potemkin’, Creation of councils: Council of Soldiers, Council of Peasants' Deputies, Council of Workers' Deputies.

6 Course: Convening of parliament (Duma), October- strikes continue (also in Kingdom of Poland), Constitutional Manifesto – 30 of October 1905, Armed uprising- 10 of December 1905, Jan. 1906- Elections to I Duma (with places for peasants) Jul. 1906- Elections to II Duma Elections to III Duma (survived till 1907)

7 Effects: Many people died, Peasants got places in Duma, Less strict rules, Creation of new political parties and movements, Peasants got their own lands, Tsar Nicholas II sets up the Duma and allows freedom of speech, Russia becomes a constitutional monarchy,

8 February Revolution (8-15 of March 1917)

9 Reasons: Military failures of Russia, Semi-feudal political system, Russia is left with only three ports: Władywostok, Archangielsk i Murma ń sk, Lack of foreign trade, ⅓ of workers works in armaments industry, Agriculture slowly dies, Rasputin makes the most important decisions in Russia, Economic crisis.

10 Course: 7 III (February 22) 1917- strike in factories in Petrograd (the beginning of the revolution), 10 III 1917- the beginning of the general strike and start of repression, 12 III 1917- the beginning of the activities of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers‘, 13 III 1917- takeover of power by the revolutionaries, 15 III 1917- the abdication of Nicholas II and the appointment of the Provisional Government (the beginning of dual power), April 1917- Lenin comes back from Switzerland (the April theses), June 1917- A.Kiere ń ski becomes a prime minister.

11 Effects: Creation of communistic country, War between supporters and opponents of Bolshevism, Liquidation of political parties other than Bolshevik, Murder of all members of Romanov family, Introduction of the Bolshevik political terror, Political crisis, Economical crisis.

12 October Revolution (23 of October1917)

13 Reasons: Two years of World War I, Military failures of Russia, Weakening of Tsarism, Government controls each Council, Lenin's reappearance, Bolsheviks wanted to stop warfare, 23 of October- Central Committee decides to begin the uprising.

14 Course: 6/7 October 1917, the exploding revolution, the Bolsheviks gain the Winter Palace (seat of government); Creating a new government - the Council of People's Commissars, led by Lenin; A new government appears first two decrees: Peace- peace should be concluded without "annexations and contributions" - should be a return to the borders of the end of July 1914, Earth- abolishes private ownership of land and prohibits wage labor on the land, you can have only as much land as you are able to cultivate their own work and their own families; March 3, 1918, the Soviet government makes peace with the Central Powers.

15 Course: March 3, 1918, Russia signs the treaty of Brest with the Central Powers, giving them the western part of the empire of the tsars, The revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps in May 1918 started a civil war in Russia between ‘white’ (mostly former officers of the tsarist army) and ‘red’ (Bolsheviks), To the beginning of 1920, the Bolsheviks overcame the above- mentioned ‘white’ generals, Both sides are equally cruel to people but Bolsheviks announce some changes, hope for the future, while ‘white’ suggest a return to the old, hated, times.

16 The most successful generals: Anton Denikin - ran onto Caucasus, part of Ukraine and Volga Federal District, Alexander Kolchak - ran onto the entire territory of the Urals, Nicholas Yudenitch - acts on the territory of Latvia, the army threatened Piotrograd.

17 Effects: Storming of the Winter Palace, Arrest of ministers, Acquisition of important points in the city, Creation of the Council of People's Commissars, led by Lenin, Adoption of the document: Decree of peace Decree on earth Declaration of the rights of peoples of Russia

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