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Word power. English belongs to Indo-European languages. It contains the languages from Hindu, West Asia, and Europe, which are called borrowed languages.

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Presentation on theme: "Word power. English belongs to Indo-European languages. It contains the languages from Hindu, West Asia, and Europe, which are called borrowed languages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word power

2 English belongs to Indo-European languages. It contains the languages from Hindu, West Asia, and Europe, which are called borrowed languages.

3 English FrenchArabicGermanItalian

4 French dentist ballet Visa Fiancé Fiancée salon soup cafe picnic

5 French Massage Garment mutton menu garage pigeon surgeon chef

6 French dentist ballet Visa Fiancé Fiancée salon soup cafe picnic

7 Massage Garment mutton menu garage pigeon surgeon chef French beret restaurant

8 From German, English got many words for tools, mechanical ( 机械的 ) equipment, snacks and Geological ( 地质的 ) terms.

9 German hamburger clockrocketstudent kindergartennoodleicebergexcise

10 Can you find out which category these words belong to? English borrowed many Italian words linked to music, the arts and the military.

11 Italian colonel 上校 opera 歌剧 balcony 阳台 cafeteria 自助餐 score 乐谱 cello 大提琴 confetti 五彩碎纸

12 Arabic coffee zero alcohol almanac

13 Can you guess from which language these words come ? Copy kindergarten Potato Judo Karaoke Cent Kungfu Chocolate Tsunami Model Piano Disco Italian Japanese French German Chinese Spanish Arabic

14 Italian Japanese French German Chinese Spanish Arabic OrangeSugarZeroFryOperaStudioNoodleUmbrellaDiamondPorkPizzaBoil

15 Can you guess from which language these words come?

16 Confucius kung fuTaijitofu Typhoon tycoonKowtow 中国 功夫 太极 豆腐豆腐 台风 大亨, 大款 叩头, 磕头

17 Link the following words with the language they come from? Judo kangaroo koala silk Japanese Australian Chinese Karaoke

18 bamboo 竹子 coach 马车 yogurt 酸奶酪 Turkish ( 土尔其语 ) yeti Malay Tibetan Hungarian ( 匈牙利语 ) 雪人 ( 藏语 ) ( 马来语 )

19 Borrowed words English has borrowed lots of words from other languages. Four of the languages that English has borrowed words from are (1) ______, French,German and (2)______. ItalianArabic Use the words you just learnt to help you complete Ma Li’s homework on borrowed words:

20 Words taken from the French language include words for (3) ____ and eating such as (4)_________,words for (5)_____ such as dentist and words for entertainment such as (6) _____. At weddings in the West, they have (7) _______ which people throw over the newly-weds. This is an Italian word. food restaurant jobs ballet confetti

21 Italy was famous for the development of music and opera in the 18th century, so many words about music and opera are borrowed from Italian. Additionally, words for military jobs, for example, (8) ______, also come from Italian. colonel

22 The Germans were very clever at inventing things. They invented the (9) _____ to make sure they were on time! When man travelled to the Moon in a (10) ______, we were using a German word.Many of the words for fast food or snacks also come from (11)________, including the famous (12) __________. clock rocket German hamburger

23 Finally,the Arabs were great trades and so they introduced the English to many new words like coffee and (13)_______. Also, a lot of mathematical words such as (14) ____ are from Arabic. alcohol zero

24 These sentences summarize the article. Read them and decide if they are true or false. If it is false, please give the right information. F 1. There are so many German words in English because the Germany ruled England for quite a number of years.

25 2. Many words connected with food and music are from French. The French love food and music. 3. The Arabs are great traders. 4. Italians loves music and arts. 5. There are so many words in English that there is on need to add any in the future. F T T F

26 as strong as a horse Don’t worry. John will carry the box for you. He is ___________________. as strong as a horse

27 as busy as a bee She never stops for a second. She is always ________________. as busy as a bee

28 as poor as a church mouse Poor Richard spent his last penny on a bowl of noodles. Now he is__________________ ______. as poor as a church mouse

29 as cool as cucumber Emily never gets too excited about anything. She is always __________________. as cool as cucumber

30 I didn’t hear the telephone ringing. I _____________. slept like a log to sleep like a log

31 Guess the meanings of the following idioms see the elephant white elephant talk horse Every dog has his day . Love me , love my dog . 大开眼界 沉重的负担, 无用 而累赘的东西 吹牛 凡人皆有得意时 爱屋及乌

32 Teach fish to swim. Dog doesn‘t eat dog. kill two birds with one stone a snake in the grass 班门弄斧 同行不相妒 一石双鸟 一箭双雕 潜伏的危险或敌人, 阴 险而伪善的朋友

33 a black sheep like a cat on hot brick let the cat out of the bag rain cats and dogs a dark horse crocodile tears 害群之马,败家子 坐立不安, 心急如焚 泄露秘密 倾盆大雨 实力难测的竞争者 假慈悲

34 as black as coal as blind as a bat as bright as a button as cunning as a fox as like as two peas as proud as a peacock as brave as a lion Guess the meanings and use them to make sentences

35 Homework 1. Review the idioms we just learned 2. Preview the grammar Hello!

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