Learning Goals at St. John Fisher College Peter J. Gray, Ph.D. Director of Academic Assessment United States Naval Academy May 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Goals at St. John Fisher College Peter J. Gray, Ph.D. Director of Academic Assessment United States Naval Academy May 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Goals at St. John Fisher College Peter J. Gray, Ph.D. Director of Academic Assessment United States Naval Academy May 2004

2 A higher education institution’s purpose is to provide instruction that produces learning. The test of an institution’s quality is the success of its students.

3 Faculty Ownership It is essential for faculty to have a sense of ownership of the assessment process… so that faculty maintain a commitment over time and to be certain that the results are utilized and make a difference.

4 Administrative Support Assessment programs need strong leadership... so that they remain flexible and adaptable to changing needs and are not merely ad hoc efforts.

5 improvement Assessment Process teaching & learning evaluation

6 Assessment Questions What should students learn from our educational programs and experiences? How can we document and evaluate the quality of our teaching and of our students’ achievement? What changes should we make to improve teaching and learning?

7 Defining Learning Outcomes Reviewing existing standards & documents Assessing student work and achievement Identifying hopes and expectations

8 Defining Learning Outcomes Reviewing existing standards & documents   mission statements   accreditation criteria   learning goals and objectives   program curricula and course syllabi   learning inventories

9 Categories of Outcomes Discipline specific knowledge, comprehension, and understanding Higher order thinking skills College-level thinking skills General education and liberal studies goals Professional and career development goals Personal growth and development goals

10 Mapping Teaching and Learning

11 Certainly some learning is difficult, even impossible to measure. But is does not follow that useful and meaningful assessment is impossible.

12 Sources of Information Course assignments Projects, products, portfolios, & performances Written examinations & standardized tests Oral presentations, interviews, & discussions Simulations, case studies, & field work Surveys & questionnaires Institutional research regarding enrollment, retention, & placement

13 Use of Assessment Results Answers important questions about teaching and learning Makes maximum use of existing sources and methods of gathering information about student learning Takes into account the institution’s mission and strategic plan as well as external regional and professional accreditation requirements

14 Assessment Plan Describe intended student learning in relationship to educational programs and activities Develop questions about teaching and learning Identify relevant sources of information and evaluation techniques to answer questions Collect, analyze, and interpret data Set priorities for the design and implementation of improvements based on results

15 The Goal Assessment should be meaningful manageable, and sustainable. The Program Assessment Consultation Team (PACT) California State University, Bakersfield, 1999.

16 Learning Goals at Fisher What have we done? Where do we need to be? What can we accomplish today?

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