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Using Technology in the 21 st Century Classroom Darren

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1 Using Technology in the 21 st Century Classroom Darren Gibb @darrengibb

2 Podcasting FlipCams Wikispaces Glow GoogleDocs Evernote TodaysMeet Using Technology in the 21 st Century Classroom Tumblr. Flickr TitanPad / Placemats Others..

3 Podcasting FlipCams Wikispaces Glow GoogleDocs Evernote TodaysMeet Using Technology in the 21 st Century Classroom Tumblr. Flickr TitanPad / Placemats Others..

4 Podcasting Free software that is installed on most school computers – if not, IT technicians will be able to install on multiple machines. Relatively easy to use. Can put different ‘layers’ together. Can be converted into mp3. Free to use. Great way to record podcast via ipod/iphone or your computer and directly upload to server. This can then be download as an mp3 or through iTunes. Good for listening/talking exercises. 

5 FlipCams Great way for pupils to take control of their own learning. VERY easy to use – one button recording. Within group work, creates an ethos of accountability within the group dynamic. Scenes can be easily edited with Windows Movie Maker or Serif – schools should have either/or available. News reports, play scenes, multimedia pupil-created texts…. 

6 WikiSpaces Excellent way of producing and displaying collaborative work. Can be used with the whole class. Easy to set up and use. Pupils love using it; is also used in college. 1.2 Collaborative Novel 1.5 Collaborative Novel Int 2 English wiki Pupil Feedback 

7 Glow Is what you make of it… Is a case of taking your time to familiarise yourself – and pupils – with the way it works. It has improved greatly since the first time we saw – and gave up – with it. Can work; I have used it for revision materials and discussion for when pupils are on exam leave. Pupils can find it frustrating to work with. 

8 GoogleDocs Theoretically, a great tool to use in the classroom. School computers can struggle with them and The Powers That Be in the authority are reluctant to change – for now.. However, great for homework – collaborative powerpoints can be easily created, using notes from flickr to help and is used in college. flickr Int 2 English: Collaborative PowerPointsCollaborative PowerPoints I encourage pupils to create an account and use it at home to print off in school. Gets rid of the “I forgot my memory stick…” excuses! 

9 Evernote A game changer! Allows me to – as they claim – ‘remember everything’. Could be used on almost any mobile phone with an internet connection (non-3G, 3G, wifi). Syncs seamlessly with browser/desktop version. Tags – allow you to find anything quickly Searching – can even search for text within images – ‘cinema talks’ Take a pic on phone and instantly upload to evernote. Same for audio. 

10 TodaysMeet A twitteresque chatroom 140 characters per message Brilliant way of engaging all pupils simultaneously. Easy to use Very quick to set up. No user accounts need be created. 

11 Literally just started playing about with at the weekend.... A way to run a blog. Used primarily for sharing photos etc.  tumblr.

12 Best used with a smartphone (iPhone, Blackberry, HTC etc – a phone which you are able to download and use apps in). This allows you to download the app and simply upload the pictures from your phone to the website. Alternatively use a digital camera and upload images to flickr website. Great for capturing pupil groupwork, such as mindmaps etc. Easy reference for homework or revision Can link from blog or wiki:  flickr

13 Excellent collaborative word processing tool. Like everything else, free to use and no signup required – all that has to be done is a unique link shared to join in. Each pupil allocated different colour, so is clear who has written what. Please go here: to experiment! TitanPad A similar idea to TitanPad; a collaborative word processor. Again, no signup is required. 

14 Placemats Pupil 1 Main ideas Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Pupil 3 Pupil 4 

15 Others of notable mention The following are websites which I have limited experience with. Feedback from teachers around the world suggest that they are invaluable to their teaching. Edmodo Like a facebook page for your class. Each pupil has their own login. 100% safe and secure Free Ability to share links; video; pics; share info; upload work; comment on others’ work... Screencast-o-matic Add audio to your powerpoints Essentially create a movie out of them, moving slides at your own ace and adding audio to give further explanations (as you would in the classroom) Can be excellent for revision. Pupils could also use it to add further explanations from your powerpoint notes.

16 Others of notable mention ClassDojo Have literally just come across it! I have therefore not used it, but can see the potential in it. It is essentially a real-time classroom management interface, where you can reward pupils immediately. I don't have enough time to look fully into it, but feel free to and let me know any feedback! 

17 Wikispaces – Feedback: Int 2 CB - Wikispaces is great and easy to use. You can keep up to date on work which you have missed. If your off school you can go on wikispaces to check if homework has been given. It helps you learn a lot, the presentations for revision and notes taken in class are put up online, you can look over them and take extra notes. With the use of wikispaces, it has helped me understand more about English, it helps you learn more. With the usual sitting in class and looking at the board, technology takes it to a new level. Wikispaces is like an english class over the internet, you can have disscussions and upload group PowerPoints and look at each groups ideas. I would recommend wikispaces anytime.

18 Wikispaces – Feedback: Int 2 DR - wikispaces..... WOW! I definetly feel this is the future way of learning. I found it really useful when I never got something in class I could come home and easily access what we had done and improve my understanding of the section. Not only was it useful to help my learning I was able to bounce ideas via other classmates and have a discussion on the topic to realise how other saw the point. Due to this my analysis improved greatly as I started to think deeper before coming to a conclusion. The idea of the power points really helped also as well as it was like an on going revision exercise. If I was ever stuck or was unsure about something I could email you (teacher) and find out what the task was Etc.... So over all I personally feel wikispaces should be a future teaching resource. It would be much appreciated for other subjects due to the fact there is so much information to learn and taking notes is impossible with the speed some of my teachers go.

19 Wikispaces – Feedback: 1.2 Wikispaces is good for induvidual learning, however you can't learn with other people. I dont think my understanding has improved due to technology. It is, however, a very useful way of bringing work together and seeing what other people have written (for example the class novel) SG

20 Wikispaces – Feedback: 1.2 One word that describes wikispaces, BRILLIANT! It is a great way to develop our understanding of English. This type of technology is very useful because it is very easy to use. Just type away and let your imagination out for other to disscuss how talented you are or what needs to be improved. Our teacher usually puts homework through the wikispaces website and I feel I am more engaged with what is going on. Learning would be hugely boring if our teacher didn't use wikispaces. Checking the website has become a regular thing for me alongside checking my planner. AM

21 Wikispaces – Feedback: 1.2 I think wikispaces has helped me to learn to work better as a team.Alos it has helped me to read and understand other types and styles of writing by other people in my class and not just my own was and what I think and would write. MB 

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