ITCS 6265 Details on Project & Paper Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "ITCS 6265 Details on Project & Paper Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITCS 6265 Details on Project & Paper Presentation

2 Paper Presentation Present one paper from the posted list –See course web site Preference due to TA by Saturday, Sep. 12 –You may indicate 3 most preferred –Starting with the top choice You will be assigned one paper by Sep. 15

3 Paper Presentation Send your slides to instructor by the Sunday of the week of your presentation –E.g., if you present on Sep. 29, your slides due on Sep. 27 –Prepare your slides using ppt (instead of pptx) whenever possible

4 Paper Presentation Each paper will be given 25 minutes –20 min presentation & 5 min discussion Prepare ~20 slides, roughly: –5 slides for introduction, problem, motivation –10 slides for detailed solution –5 slides for experiments/findings, conclusion, etc

5 Grading Rubric Quality of slides: –Do you understand the problem? –Did you carefully read the paper & prepare what you plan to talk? Effectiveness of delivery such that the audience can understand: –What problem the paper solves? –Why is the problem important? –How does the solution work? –How well does it work? –Broader impact of the work?

6 Project You are expected to come up with a topic that fits the theme of the course & interests you Possible topics: –Implementing new indexing techniques –Implement algorithm for entity extraction –Opinion mining –Web data extraction –Text summarization –Social data mining (e.g., blogs) –Information filtering (e.g., web feeds) – …

7 Project Good idea to go over the list of papers –To get some idea on the prominent applications of text mining & web mining Acceptable if you implement algorithms in the paper Unacceptable if the proposed project has been done in other courses (extension acceptable)

8 Project May be individual or team –No more than 3 persons / team I expect more from you as a team

9 Project Timetable Mini-proposal: –Due Tue, Sep 15 –Send it to TA What is in it: –1 paragraph on what you plan to do –Indicate your team formation Feedback will be provided to you

10 Project Timetable Proposal –Hard copy due Sep. 29 in class –Send also electronic version to the instructor Content (~ 3 pages): –Project goal –Expected solution –Plan –Deliverables –Member responsibility

11 Project Timetable Final report & demo due Dec 8 in-class –Also send electronic copy to instructor Final report provides: –Details on your solution: system architecture, components, algorithms, etc. –Experimental results, conclusion, etc. –Details on how the plan in proposal is executed –Member’s role

12 Demo & Other Deliverables Demo: –Working demo on how your system works Other deliverables –Codes, documentation, data set, etc. –Make sure we can run your program

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