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Approach to the development of the Strategic Plan & Annual Performance Plan 27 February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Approach to the development of the Strategic Plan & Annual Performance Plan 27 February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approach to the development of the Strategic Plan & Annual Performance Plan 27 February 2013

2 Contents Part 1: Approach for developing strategic and annual performance plans Part 2: Internal planning process followed Part 3: Overview of the strategic and annual performance plans 2


4 Statutory compliance National Treasury regulations: Chapter 5 (Department) & Chapter 30 (Entities) – Prepare a strategic plan with a five year planning horizon – Table annual performance plans with a three year horizon consistent with the Medium Term Expenditure Framework Public Service regulations: Part 3 B Based on the strategic plan of the department, an executing authority shall determine the department’s organisational structure in terms of its core and support functions; grade proposed new jobs according to the job evaluation system; define the posts necessary to perform the relevant functions 4

5 Statutory compliance Presidency Policy framework for the Government-wide Monitoring & Evaluation System The accounting officer of a department or municipality, or the chief executive officer of a public entity, is required to establish a monitoring and evaluation system for the institution. Primary users of the M & E system will use these source systems to refine their planning and implementation processes. In the case of the Department the Balanced Score Card was selected as the model to use. National Treasury Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plan Alignment to the government outcomes oriented monitoring and evaluation approach (i.e. Programme of Action, Delivery Agreements ) and Strategic and Annual Performance Plans 5


7 Government Wide Monitoring & Evaluation Framework (GWM&E) IMPACTS OUTCOMES OUTPUTS ACTIVITIES INPUTS What we need to do the work? Manage towards achieving these results Plan, budget, implement and monitor What we aim to change? (e.g. Economic growth) What we wish to achieve? What we produce or deliver? What we do? (e.g. Human and financial resources) (e.g. Processes or actions) (e.g. Dam) (e.g. Access to water) Indicators Economy Efficiency Effectiveness Equity 7

8 Reviewing 2012/13 goals NO2012/13 GOALSCOMMENTSREVISED 2013/14 GOALS 1Contribute to economic growth, rural development, food security and land reform This goal does not address the water sector business but is a combination of outcomes 6 and 7 Equitable and sustainable provisioning of raw water 2To promote sustainable and equitable water resources management This is not a goal but a strategic objective as it states what the department needs to do to achieve a goal Provision of equitable and sustainable water services of acceptable quantity and quality 3Strengthening the regulation of the water sector These goals lacked on the specifics of what how will the department know when they are achieved 4Support local government to deliver water services Protection of freshwater ecosystems 5Contribute to improved International Relations These are not goals but can be strategic objectives as they what the department needs to do to achieve a goal An efficient, effective and development oriented sector leader 6Build capacity to deliver quality services 8

9 Reviewing 2012/13 strategic objectives NO2012/13 GOALS 2012/13 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESCOMMENTS 1To ensure the availability of water supply for economic and domestic use Revised and kept as it is core mandate To implement programmes to create job opportunities Revised and kept as it is a government requirement 2Setting a strategic framework for water management in the country Revised To ensure balance of water supply and demandDeleted as it is incorporated in another strategic objective To improve the protection of water resources and ensure sustainability Revised and kept To improve equity in water allocationRevised and kept To improve water use efficiencyDowngraded to tracking indicator To improve the management of water resourcesDeleted as it is incorporated in another strategic objective 9

10 Reviewing 2012/13 strategic objectives NO2012/13 GOALS 2012/13 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESCOMMENTS 3To improve the regulation of water sectorRevised and kept To improve the water use authorisationDeleted as it is incorporated in another strategic objective To improve the regulation of water quality through compliance, monitoring and enforcement Deleted as it is incorporated in another strategic objective 4Ensure the provision of local government institutional support Amended To broaden access to water services (basic services and eradication of backlog) Amended 10

11 Reviewing 2012/13 strategic objectives NO2012/13 GOALS 2012/13 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESCOMMENTS 5To coordinate strategic international water cooperation Amended 6To ensure organisational performance and leadership Amended To ensure transformed socio-economic participation Amended 11

12 Gaps from the 2012/13 using the Balanced Score Card Persp.GOALS 1GOALS 2GOALS 3GOALS 4 Customer service delivery Financial Operations Learning and growth (Information and knowledge - Human Resources) Protect resources Reduce “water crimes” LG support Shared water courses FM to address audit Revenue generation Funding for infrastructure backlog Water supply & demand Equity in water allocation Reduce licensing backlog Universal access to basic water Performance management & leadership Skills pool Information systems Institutional realignment 12


14 14 Vision MissionValues An efficient, effective and development oriented sector leader Equitable and sustainable provisioning of raw water Provision of equitable and sustainable water services of acceptable quantity and quality Protection of freshwater ecosystems Improve and increase the skills pool and build competencies in the Department and within the sector Effective and efficient internal control environment Implement programmes that create job opportunities Improve water resources and water services information Coordinate regional and global water cooperation Ensure effective performance of water management and services institutions Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio-economic use Improve equity and efficiency in water allocation Strengthen and implement strategies for water management in the country Improve water use efficiency Ensure compliance to water legislation Support the water sector Ensure compliance to water legislation Improve the protection of water resources and ensure their sustainability GOALS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES

15 Programmes per budget (ENE) structure 15 Administration Water Sector Management Water Infrastructure Management Regional Implementation & Support Water Sector Regulation International Water Cooperation Ministry Departmental Management Internal audit Corporate services Financial Management Office accommodation Policy & Planning Mgt & Support Integrated Planning Policy & Strategy Water Ecosystems Water Info Mgt Institutional Oversight Infrastructure dev & rehabilitation Operation of water resources IR Mgt & Support Africa Cooperation Global Cooperation Regional Mgt & Support Water Sector Support Institutional Establishment Regional Bulk Transfer of Water Schemes Support Services Regulation Mgt & Support Economic & Social Regulation Water use authorisation Resource regulation Compliance Monitoring Enforcement Water Services Projects Integrated Catchment Mgt Mine Water Mgt Sub- programmes Programmes Legend Water Trading Entity Financial Management Integrated Catchment Mgt

16 Programme 1: Administration Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Corporate Services Strategic objective 1.1: Improve and increase the skills pool and build competencies in the Department and within the sector Percentage of performance agreements aligned and measured against the Department’s Annual Performance Plan (APP) 100 per cent of SMS and 25 per cent of non SMS performance The Public Service regulations require that all senior managers performance agreements are aligned to the APP of the department. This is in line with outcome 12 relating to the public service Percentage of employees trained in line with individual Personal Development Plans (PDPs) 80 per cent of employees trained Training attendance is based on the workplace skills plan, past trends and the available budget. The threshold for training attendance is between 80 to 85. Percentage reduction of vacancy rate for scarce, critical, technical and professional skills 15per cent reduction of vacancy rate This started with the establishment clean up, vacancy rate baseline and the ideal rate for optimum structure population. Number of graduate trainees added to the trainee development programme of the learning academy 50 graduate trainees added This is based on the intake, available budget and graduate trainee programme (i.e. Period of training and the exit) Number of learning academy graduate trainees placed into positions 35 graduate trainees placed into positions Strategic objective 1.4: Improve water resources and water services information Percentage availability of Information Technology network systems 98per cent Information Technology network systems available This measures the uptime and down time of the IT systems; it is not possible to ensure 100% and thus 98% is the standard 16

17 Programme 1: Administration Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 1.2: Effective and efficient internal control environment Departmental Management Percentage compliance with non financial reporting prescripts 100per cent compliance with statutory reporting prescripts The National Treasury (NT) regulation require complete adherence Updated risk registers7 The Framework on the development of SP and APP requires that each programme maintains a risk register that should be monitored quarterly Financial Management Percentage compliance with financial reporting prescripts 100per cent compliance with statutory reporting prescripts This is a PFMA requirement and nothing less than complete adherence is acceptable Percentage adherence to financial improvement plan 100per cent adherence to financial improvement plan This is a PFMA requirement and the need to consistently improve in the management of the finances is the reason for its selection Percentage of expenditure of Departmental budget 98per cent expenditure of Departmental budget The analysis of the previous years’ expenditure patterns was the basis for selecting the below 100 per cent target. The intention is that within the next two financial years the Department would be spending all of the allocated finds. Number of updated financial policies 3 updated financial policies The PFMA requires financial policies that are up to date and are in line with the changes in the economic environment. Internal Audit Number of audit projects undertaken to evaluate systems of control, risk management and governance 82 Audit projects (100per cent implementation of annual audit plan An annual audit plan is a statutory requirement and complete adherence to it is a requirement. 17

18 Programme 1: Administration Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Corporate Services Strategic objective 2.4: Improve water use efficiency Number of public awareness campaigns and stakeholder engagement initiatives to promote sustainable use of water 6 public awareness campaigns and stakeholder engagement initiatives The target is to add at least one campaign from the previous year. This is because they are a costly and the addition is base on the annual increased received to do thus Departmental Management Number of schools reached for water education awareness 5000The target is based on the human and financial resources available to implement this awareness campaign. As the additional resources are received, the targets will increase accordingly. 18

19 Programme 2: Water Sector Management Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Water Information Management Strategic objective 1.4: Improve water resources and water services information National Integrated Information system developed and implemented National Integrated Information system prototype developed This is a statutory requirement in terms of the Chapter 14 of the National Water Act Institutional oversight Strategic objective 1.6: Ensure effective performance of water management and services institutions Number of functional Catchment Management Agencies(CMA) established 2 CMAs gazetted for establishment This is in compliance to legislative requirements of establishing water institutions and ensuring that they deliver on their mandate Number of water institutions complying with corporate governance principles and legislation 16 institutions (12 WBs, TCTA, WRC & 2 CMAs) Integrated planning Strategic objective 2.1: Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio-economic use Number of new reconciliation strategies developed per year to ensure water security 1 strategies (Mbombela) These are a requirement from the National Water Resources Strategy to reconcile the future water requirements with the available water resources within particular areas Number of reconciliation strategies updated per year to ensure water security 12 strategies updated Number of feasibility plans initiated for water resource development projects 2 plans Foxwood and Vioolsdrift These are a requirement from the National Water Resources Strategy to evaluate and analyse the potential of the proposed water resource development project Number of feasibility plans completed for water resource development projects 2 plans 19

20 Programme 2: Water Sector Management Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective: 2.3: Strengthen and implement strategies for water management in the country Institutional oversight Water Pricing Strategy revised Revised Water Pricing Strategy gazetted for publication The review of this strategy seeks to improve the financial viability of government’s bulk raw water business to ensure that this scarce resource is valued by all citizens. Institutional Realignment framework finalised and implemented Realigned Water Boards and water resource infrastructure institution as per approved framework Enhancing institutional readiness to fast-track service delivery and handle water challenges and management of water resources both at present and in the future Policy & Strategy Water-related legislation drafted and gazetted: WS, Nat Water and W Research Amendment bills Water Research & Water Services amendment Bills finalised Draft National Water Bill developed The intention is to measure the successes, highlight weaknesses and improve on the short comings of the Acts. NWRS 2 nd edition finalised and gazetted NWRS 2 gazetted and implementation plan developed This is a statutory requirement in terms of the National Water Act that also requires the strategy to be reviewed every five years Integrated Planning Climate Change Strategy for the water sector developed Draft Climate Change Strategy for Water Sector This is in response to the government programme of developing sector specific strategies to respond to climate change Strategic objective 4.2: Improve the protection of water resources and ensure their sustainability Water Information Management Number of ground water sites monitored to assess ground water resources 2660 This is a statutory requirement in terms of the Chapter 14 of the National Water Act and to some extent Chapter 10 of the Water Services Act. Number of gauging sites monitored for effective management of water resources 1509 Report on state of water 2012/13 Annual report on state of water (as per hydrological year) Water Ecosystem Number of river systems with determined Resource Quality Objectives 2 (Upper Vaal and Lower Vaal) This is a statutory requirement in terms of Chapter 3 of the National Water Act. Priority areas are determined by regulatory requirements and development needs as well as resource constraints 20

21 Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective: 1.3: Implement programmes that create job opportunities Regional Bulk Number of job opportunities created through the regional infrastructure grant programme 2694 This is in response to the President’s call and other government programmes (i.e. outcome 4, New Growth Path 2) that require the creation of job opportunities. The targets are based on the allocated financial resources Institutional Establishment Number of job opportunities created through the Resource poor farmers programme 20 Number of job opportunities created through the Rainwater harvesting programme 250 Number of job opportunities created through the Adopt a River programme 123 Water Sector Support Number of job opportunities created through the War on Leaks programme 532 Water Services Projects Number of job opportunities created through the construction of water services projects 1165 Strategic objective 2. 1: Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio- economic use Regional Bulk Number of bulk infrastructure schemes completed per year 12 schemes This is part of the infrastructure built programme announced by the Presidency and also other government programmes namely Outcome 6 (Infrastructure), SIPs, Outcome 7 (Rural development), National Development Plan, IPAP2 that require the availability of access to water supply Institutional Establishment Number of Resource Poor Farmers provided with access to water 880 Number of rainwater harvesting tanks installed for food production 2 400 21

22 Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 2. 1: Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio- economic use Water Services Projects Percentage completion on project plan of Inyaka Water treatment Works 100 per cent (Major phase: commissioning and close out) See rationale for infrastructure projects (slides 32 - 34) Percentage completion on project plan of Nandoni WTW and Distribution 100 per cent (Major phase: commissioning and close out) Percentage completion on project plan of Nandoni WTW – Workshop 100 per cent (Major phase: commissioning and close out) Percentage completion on project plan of Nandoni distribution replacement of glass reinforced plastic pipeline 100 per cent (Major phase: commissioning and close out) Percentage completion on project plan of Great Letaba Water Resource Project (GLeWAP) Phase 1: N’wamitwa Distribution Phase 20 per cent (Major phase: Design) Strategic objective 2.4: Improve water use efficiency Water Sector Support Volume of water saved to monitor water use efficiency 13 million m 3 This is a statutory requirement from the National Water Act 22

23 Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 target Rationale Strategic objective 3.2 Support the water sector Water Sector Support Number of water services authorities: Number of supported Water Services Authorities with Blue Drop score below 50per cent 40 The Department has a statutory requirement to ensure that water resources are protected, used conserved and managed in a sustainable manner. The Department works with poor performing municipalities (in terms of the Blue Drop ) to ensure improvement of their score and accelerate service delivery. These are linked to the government outcomes 9 ( Local Government) and Outcome 10 (Environment) Number of water services authorities: Number of supported Water Services Authorities with cumulative Risk Rating (CRR) above 70per cent 62 Number of water services authorities: Number of municipalities supported to implement water conservation and water demand management 71 Number of community infrastructure water projects implemented through the Accelerated community infrastructure programme (ACIP) 31 Number of interventions to be made to prevent water supply, water quality and effluent quality incidents 40 Number of households provided with (interim or basic) water supply in the 24 priority districts 30 000 Transfer of Water Schemes Number of prioritised schemes refurbished125 23

24 Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 4.2: Improve the protection of water resources and ensure their sustainability Integrated Catchment Mgt Number of rivers where River Health Programme is implemented 107 Ensuring rivers are healthy is on of the key government objectives. This indicator will be used to contribute to the protection of natural resources objectives and is linked to Outcome 9 Regional Bulk Number of wastewater treatment works completed 9 Part of the infrastructure built programme announced by the Presidency and also other government programmes namely Outcome 6 (Infrastructure), SIPs 24

25 Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 4.2: Improve the protection of water resources and ensure their sustainability Mine Water Management Refurbished and extended Rand Uranium Treatment Plant to 35 mega litres per day (immediate solution) 100 per cent (Major phase: Commissioned and Operational) See rationale for infrastructure projects (slides 32 – 34) Short term mitigating measures in the Western basin implemented 100 per cent (Major phase: Commissioned and Operational) Short term mitigating measures in the Central basin implemented 100 per cent (Major phase: Commissioned and Operational) Short term mitigating measures in the Eastern basin implemented 25per cent (Major phase: Design / Construction) Percentage completion on the Environmental Impact Assessment for the implementation of the acid mine drainage long term solution in the Witwatersrand 75 per cent (Major phase: EIA study) Percentage completion on the project plan for the acid mine drainage long term solution 5 per cent (Major phase: Procurement process and implementation) Number of catchments identified and assessed with mines that generate AMD 1 catchment (100per cent Upper Vaal) Proposal of an environmental levy in all mines- Since the State is currently meeting costs for a legacy issue created by the private sector, this cost will have to be recovered 25

26 Programme 5: Water Sector Regulation Sub-programmesIndicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 2.2: Improve equity and efficiency in water allocation Water Use Authorisation Number of new catchment areas in which compulsory licensing processes have been completed per year 2 Mhlathuze and Jan Dissels Pilot areas are where water resource is depleted Where water resources is under threat. Strategic objective 3.1: Ensure compliance to water legislation Drinking Water Quality and Waste Water Services Number of water treatment supply systems assessed for compliance with drinking water quality standards 810 water treatment supply systems assessed Protection of the consumer by assessing compliance to drinking water quality standards. Strategic objective 4.1: Ensure compliance to water legislation Economic and Social Regulation Economic regulator established to regulate water management across the value chain Institutional option for economic regulation finalised Protection of the consumer without compromising the viability of the water institutions Protection of lives and ensuring that there is non-failure of the dam Resource Regulation Number of dams evaluated for compliance with dam safety regulations 140 Drinking Water Quality and Waste Water Services Number of wastewater treatment collector systems assessed for compliance with effluent standards 960 The protection of the resource by ensuring that discharges meet the prescribed limits Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Number of mines monitored for compliance in accordance with water legislation 100 mines For the protection of the resource (prevention, minimisation of pollution). 26

27 Programme 6: International Water Cooperation Sub-programmesIndicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 1.5: Coordinate regional and global water cooperation Africa Cooperation Number of strategic new partnerships established and existing implemented with countries in Africa 9 existing partnerships implemented and 2 new partnerships established To drive national interests in both Africa and Number of trans-boundary Water Management Projects implemented 3 Trans-boundary Water Management Projects implemented Global Cooperation Number of strategic new partnerships established and existing implemented with countries outside Africa 5 existing partnerships implemented and 2 new partnerships established Number of strategic engagements with international organisations 8 strategic engagements with international organisations Number of programmes / project receiving official development assistance 8 programmes / project receiving official development assistance 27


29 Programme 1: Administration Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 target Rationale Financial Management Strategic objective 1.2: Effective and efficient internal control environment Percentage completeness of asset register 100per cent The department must obtain 100% accuracy as anything less will result in an understatement in the financial statements. The core business of the WTE is to ensure the development of infrastructure assets. These assets must be properly recorded and fair value calculated on a regular basis as this will effect the balance sheet and impact on the ability of the department to recover cost associated with the development of such assets thus impacting on the calculation of water tariffs for all consumers. Percentage reduction in irregular expenditure 100per cent 100% Adherence to SCM processes is a compliance requirement In order to stamp out any occurrences of non compliance to SCM prescripts and to foster a culture of 0% tolerance to non compliance Percentage of actual billing versus planned billing 100per cent Planned billing is a reasonable measurement due to the complexity of the inter-phase between systems and the registration of users All planned billing must be implemented in order to ensure that registered users are billed for usage Percentage of reduction in outstanding debt over 60 days 50per cent All planned billing must be implemented in order to ensure that registered users are billed for usage. The complexity and challenges with the recovery of debt is impacting on the WTE ability to recover 100% of the outstanding Debt of approximately R5bn Staff shortages and skills gaps are a major challenge. The WTE is in the process of building a fully functional team to address the gap Value of revenue generated per year to fund the refurbishment programme R848 mil The target is based on costed projects. The refurbishment of aging and ailing infrastructure is a key imperative in the management of strategic assets that have a direct impact on the economy Cost recovery will alleviate the pressure on fiscus 29

30 Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Management Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective: 1.3: Implement programmes that create job opportunities Infrastructure dev & rehabilitation Number of job opportunities created through augmentation projects 7050 This is in response to the President’s call and other government programmes (i.e. outcome 4, New Growth Path 2) that require the creation of job opportunities. The targets are based on the allocated financial resources Operation of water resources Number of job opportunities created through the Dam Safety Rehabilitation Programme 184 Strategic objective 2.1: Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio- economic use Infrastructure dev & rehabilitation Percentage completion on project plan of Olifants River water resources development project phase 2A (De Hoop Dam and related infrastructure) 100per cent (Major phase: commissioning and close out) See rationale for infrastructure projects (slides 32 - 34) Percentage completion on project plan of Olifants River water resources development project phase 2b, 2c and 2d (bulk distribution system) 50per cent (Major phase: Design/ Construction) Percentage completion on project plan of Vaal River Eastern Sub-System Augmentation Project (VRESAP) (Abstraction works – pump house and pipeline to Knoppiesfontein) - (Project closed) 30

31 Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Management Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 2.1: Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio- economic use Infrastructure dev & rehabilitation Percentage completion on project plan of phase 1 of Mokolo River augmentation 95per cent (Major phase: Construction / Commissioning) See rationale for infrastructure projects (slides 32 - 34) Percentage completion on project plan of Komati Water Supply Augmentation Project (KWSAP) 90per cent (Major phase: Construction) Percentage completion on project plan of Mdloti River Development (Raising of Hazelmere Dam) 85per cent (Major phase: Construction) Percentage completion on project plan of raising Clanwilliam Dam wall 20per cent (Major phase: Design) Percentage completion on project plan of Mooi-Mgeni Transfer Scheme (MMTS- Phase 2) 90per cent (Major phase: Construction) Percentage completion on project plan of Greater Letaba River Water Resources Project (N’wamitwa Dam) 12per cent (Major phase: Design) Percentage completion on project plan of Greater Letaba River Water Resources Project: (Raising of Tzaneen Dam) 25per cent (Major phase: Design) Percentage completion on project plan of Lesotho Highlands Water Projects Phase II 20per cent (Major Phase Design) 31

32 Programme 3: Water Infrastructure Management Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Strategic objective 2.1: Ensure the availability of / access to water supply for environmental and socio- economic use Operation of water resources Total number of dam safety rehabilitation projects completed per year to meet dam safety regulations 41 This is a statutory requirement and is in line with outcome 6 and the National Development Plan Percentage adherence to the demand as per bulk water supply agreements to ensure sustainable bulk water supply 90per cent Total number of water conveyance projects rehabilitated 20 32

33 Rationale for infrastructure projects 33 PlanDesignConstruct Commission (closure) 25% Percentage per phase of multiyear projects Operate & maintain

34 Rationale for infrastructure projects Infrastructure projects are conducted in a highly regulated framework in accordance with statutory requirements – example NWA, WSA, NEMA, PFMA as well as the prescripts provided by National Treasury, Auditor-General and National Planning Department. Projects are often dependent on multi-year, inter-disciplinary, intra- and-inter-departmental factors. Budgets may originate solely from the fiscus or be a combination of public and private funds. Often the budgets fall into the defined mega- projects categories, which require specific reporting formats. Projects involve intricate stakeholder engagements. Testing of infrastructure models at a designated laboratory can take significant amounts of time. The targets and indicators are developed in terms of industry best practice and project management principles. 34

35 Rationale for infrastructure projects Projects Risks Construction or builders holidays / breaks Inclement weather causing delays Acquisition of land Labour interventions Skills availability Stakeholder or Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) engagements Environmental Authorisations Intra-and- inter-departmental co-operation Contractual arrangements Availability of resources, equipment, materials (example of unavailability of pipes in South Africa causing huge delays) 35

36 Programme 4: Regional Implementation & Support Sub- programme Indicators2013/14 targetRationale Integrated Catchment Management Strategic objective 2.2: Improve equity and efficiency in water allocation Percentage of water use licence applications finalised within the year under review 100per cent of received applications finalised This is a statutory requirement and is in line with outcome 10 and the National Development Plan Volume of water allocated to Historically Disadvantaged Individuals 5 million m 3 This is in response to government requirements of ensuring equity. This is in line with outcome 7 Strategic objective 2.4: Improve water use efficiency Volume of water losses reduced (around the catchment areas) through water conservation and demand management programme 60 million m 3 This is in line with outcome 10 and the National Development Plan strategic objective 4.2: Improve the protection of water resources and ensure their sustainability Number of sampling points monitored to assess water resource quality 1 582 To monitor water users if they are not discharging effluent that may contaminate the water resources. This is a statutory requirement and is in line with outcome 10 Number of waste discharge points monitored to assess water resource quality 851 This is a statutory requirement and is in line with outcome 10 and the National Development Plan Number of mines where pollution inspection is conducted to assess water resource quality 168 36

37 END 37

38 What informed the Department’s planning DHS Strategic Plans MDG New Growth Path Programme of Action DWA UN Portfolio Committee Inputs IDP’s (Metros and Muni’s) Portfolio Committee Meetings Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Provincial Growth and Development Strategies x 9 NCOP 9 Provinces DAFF Strategic Plans National Planning Commission Dti Strategic Plans DME Strategic Plans COGTA Strategic Plans Ministers Performance Agreement 12 Service Delivery Outcomes DPME Develop- ment Indicators DRD&LR Strategic Plans DEA Strategic Plans DOH Strategic Plans National Treasury [ENE] 38 Moves to next slide

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