*Austin *Alexis *Cody *Cory.  Advisors are there to help you with all things academic.  Navigating the registration process.  Choosing your major.

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Presentation on theme: "*Austin *Alexis *Cody *Cory.  Advisors are there to help you with all things academic.  Navigating the registration process.  Choosing your major."— Presentation transcript:

1 *Austin *Alexis *Cody *Cory

2  Advisors are there to help you with all things academic.  Navigating the registration process.  Choosing your major.  They are instrumental in helping you set short and long term goals and ensuring success.

3  Biggest concern of students. “Are my credits going to transfer!” SEE AN ADVISOR!  Career Assessment Test, if your having a difficult time deciding what you plan to do. Academic Advising provides this service and can help you along.

4  Study Skills Workshop They provide many workshops such as: Time Management Learning and Memory Various other services offered Contact Info (801) 957-4978

5  The DRC is another source that SLCC offers to help you succeed in your education goals.  In order to be eligible you must have a disability “That substantially limits a major life activity, needing current medical documentation."

6  Services offered  Early Registration  Sign Language/Interpreters  Note takers  Text book on tape  Adaptive / Assistive technologies

7  LOCATIONS  Redwood Campus Student center, SC244 South City Campus Skills Center W 138 Call for Appointment (801) 957-4659

8  The Veterans Center is another resource for students(veterans) to utilize.  They have an expansive knowledge on GI Bill benefits as well as Vocational Rehab.  There are computers as well as a lounge to get some chill time if needed between classes.  Contact Info: SLCC Redwood Campus (801) 957-4289

9  All Thayne Center Info can be found online through the SLCC website.  The Thayne center is basically an outreach program that is volunteer based, but also you can be paid for your services offered to the community. Primarily for younger education i.e. elementary schooling programs.

10  WHAT IS ELIE? To Access ELIE go to http://libweb.slcc.eduhttp://libweb.slcc.edu -ELIE is the Electronic Library and Information Environment. -ELIE is the Knowledge Management (KM) environment of Salt Lake City Community College.  Why is Knowledge management Important to SLCC? -There is vast amounts of data generated in the many departments of slcc. -Having all of that knowledge organized and easily accessible is important so that students and faculty may take advantage of it.

11  What will I find on ELIE? -You will find “Ask ELIE” a search platform that enables users to search for important information. -Library Resources- The SLCC Libraries and Media searchable collections of curriculum-supportive services. -Institutional Repository- A collection of a wide variety of digitized materials. -Reference and Instruction- Access guides focusing on faculty and student resources, instructional services, citation manuals, student success modules, community resources, and general library information.

12  Students and patrons have access to library professionals to assist with research and accessing resources.  Reserve Materials -Faculty can place items on reserve for short-term (four hour), in house, and student checkout.  Inter-Library Loan (ILL) -The inter-library loan allows students, faculty, patrons, and staff to order items from many different libraries.

13  Patrons have remote access to library databases.  To access the databases go to http://libweb.slcc.edu and select databases.http://libweb.slcc.edu  A few of the databases that you will most likely use are: Ebsco Host: Which gives you access to scholarly articles, magazine articles, business articles, and many other different types of articles. JSTOR: gives you access to scholarly articles in many subject areas. Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Overviews on controversial issues. SIRS Researcher: Articles on controversial issues.  If you need to talk to someone about your ePortfolio or any of the library services you can contact: Nelson T. Emeric (Supervisor of Circulation and Library Access Services) at 801.957.4604

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