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Teaching Citation Metrics Nicholas Wyant Head Social Sciences Bloomington, IN November 6, 2015.

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1 Teaching Citation Metrics Nicholas Wyant Head Social Sciences Bloomington, IN November 6, 2015

2 Use Caution "It would be nice if all of the data which sociologists require could be enumerated because then we could run them through IBM machines and draw charts as the economists do. However, not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.“ – William Bruce Cameron

3 Terms Impact Factor Eigenfactor SJR SNIP Orcid ID Almetrics H-index And many more… INDIANA UNIVERSITY 2

4 Eugene Garfield Post WWII Boom in Academic Publishing Needed a Method to Determine What Was the Most Important Research

5 Impact Factor Thompson Reuters: Web of Science Number of Citations a Journal Receives per Paper Published Changes Every Year Coverage Varies by Discipline


7 Comparing Providers INDIANA UNIVERSITY 6

8 Impact Factor for Political Science Journals, 2014 Screen Shot, Web of Science Journal Citation Reports

9 Scopus Elsevier Product Provides Citation Metrics by Departments Allows Researchers to Examine Topics Coverage starts in 2003

10 Screen Shot, Scopus


12 Teaching with Metrics Google Scholar Citation Searching Citation Alerts

13 Google Scholar Free! –Be extra cautious of free metrics Anyone Can Cite Something –Does not mean they are using it correctly

14 Google Scholar Great Tool for Researchers Encourage Students (Especially Graduate Students) to Create Profiles

15 Voting Behavior

16 Gerald H. Kramer

17 Voting Behavior By citation count, we can infer that Gerald Kramer is an important researcher on this topic Originally published in the American Political Science Review, 1971 Not indexed by WOS or Scopus (too old)

18 Impact Factor for Political Science Journals, 2014 Screen Shot, Web of Science Journal Citation Reports

19 Creating Citation Alerts Create Alert Google Scholar notifies you each time a new article matches your keywords Great for students –Makes them aware of the ongoing academic conversation


21 Create a Google Scholar Profile Free Allows other Scholars to Find Your Work Helps Define You as a Researcher INDIANA UNIVERSITY 20



24 Weakness of Metrics Favor the Hard Sciences Increasingly Better with Social Sciences Relatively Weak for Humanities (but getting better)

25 Alternative Metrics Alt-Metrics Impact Story –Measures use of social media –Anyone tweeting this presentation? Scholarly Depositories

26 Backlash INDIANA UNIVERSITY 25 Backlash is nothing new. See “Controversy” section of Wikipedia’s “Altmetrics”

27 Backlash is nothing new. “How to Get Good Science”, 2007, British med school scholar, Colquhoun In short, what he’s saying is that universities run by academics don’t use these metrics, they take the time to understand the content. Managers, by contrast, will use metrics. Why? The content is incomprehensible, or there’s no time, or it’s “good enough”.

28 And What Happens When the Academics Revolt?

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