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Art in public schools in the United States plays a big role in a student’s life and health; thus, the elimination of the arts has resulted in many negative.

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2 Art in public schools in the United States plays a big role in a student’s life and health; thus, the elimination of the arts has resulted in many negative academic effects on students, thereby, solutions to re-instate art should be brought forth.

3 “Art promotes self esteem, art stimulates both sides of the brain,” (Kids and Art, 2009, para. 1). Helps students release stress “33% of students are visual learners,” (Kids and Art, 2009, para. 1).

4 Budget crisis No Child Left Behind Art teachers-laid off Students are not receiving the benefits art brings & are facing stressful academic days without a break

5 Community meetings that will recruit funders After school art programs Educate others about the different ways art is beneficial to students


7 References Kids and Art, (2009). 20 Reasons why Art is Important for Children. Artsz. Retrieved April 2, 2012.

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