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Calling Web Services from Oracle Presenter – Raymond Jones Company – Intermountain Healthcare Background – We are implementing a new ERP system (Peoplesoft)

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Presentation on theme: "Calling Web Services from Oracle Presenter – Raymond Jones Company – Intermountain Healthcare Background – We are implementing a new ERP system (Peoplesoft)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calling Web Services from Oracle Presenter – Raymond Jones Company – Intermountain Healthcare Background – We are implementing a new ERP system (Peoplesoft) and have decided to do all interfaces using web services. Oracle SOA Suite will be used to develop the web services. My team will be calling these web services from Oracle E-Business Suite.

2 Steps to call a web service Get WSDL Use soapUI to read WSDL Create Oracle Wallet if calling secure website Use UTL_HTTP package to call web service Parse web service response using oracle functions and xpath

3 WSDL Web Services Description Language – XML document that is used to describe how a service is called. Tools such as soapUI are available that will read the WSDL and provide the details needed to call the service. Example:

4 soapUI A tool for processing WSDL’s Download version 4.5.1 (free version, not Pro version) – File -> New soapUI Project Enter WSDL and click OK Double click request Save URL and XML to use when calling the web service Configure proxy server if needed: File -> Preferences -> Proxy Server Note: Proxy server did not work for me because soapUI uses NTLMv1 authentication and our proxy is using NTLMv2. A workaround is to access WSDL in browser and then save to local machine and then access that file from soapUI

5 Create Oracle Wallet On Database server create Oracle Wallet Need to add a certificate for each secure web server ie (https connections) See the following Oracle support Document for steps needed to setup Wallet: Configuring Wallet Manager To Enable HTTPS Connections Via UTL_HTTP.REQUEST [ID 169768.1]

6 Call web service using UTL_HTTP CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ihchr_web AS PROCEDURE call_service (p_urlINVARCHAR2,p_xml_send_textINXMLTYPE,p_xml_responseOUTXMLTYPE,p_error_messageOUTVARCHAR2); END ihchr_web;

7 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ihchr_web AS FUNCTION call_service (p_urlINVARCHAR2,p_xml_send_textINXMLTYPE,p_xml_responseOUTXMLTYPE,p_error_messageOUTVARCHAR2 ) IS v_http_reqUTL_HTTP.REQ; v_http_respUTL_HTTP.RESP; v_response_clobCLOB; v_textVARCHAR2(32767); v_locationVARCHAR2(255); BEGIN v_location := 'Set Oracle Wallet'; UTL_HTTP.SET_WALLET('file:/etc/ORACLE/WALLETS/oracle',‘password'); v_location := 'Set Proxy'; UTL_HTTP.SET_PROXY(‘user:password@server:port'); v_location := 'Establish connection to web server'; v_http_req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST(p_url, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.0'); v_location := 'Set http request header'; UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER(v_http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml'); UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER(v_http_req, 'Content-Length', LENGTH(p_xml_send_text.GETSTRINGVAL()));

8 v_location := 'Writes text data in the HTTP request body'; UTL_HTTP.WRITE_TEXT(v_http_req, p_xml_send_text.GETSTRINGVAL()); v_location := 'Read the HTTP response'; v_http_resp := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE(v_http_req); v_location := 'Put HTTP response into CLOB'; BEGIN -- Initialize the CLOB. DBMS_LOB.createtemporary(v_response_clob, FALSE); LOOP --read in a chunk at a time so large responses will be handled properly UTL_HTTP.READ_TEXT(v_http_resp, v_text, 32766); DBMS_LOB.writeappend(v_response_clob, LENGTH(v_text), v_text); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_HTTP.end_of_body THEN -- this gets us out of above loop. NULL; END; v_location := 'closing network connection'; UTL_HTTP.END_RESPONSE(v_http_resp); v_location := 'convert response to XML'; IF DBMS_LOB.getlength(v_response_clob) > 0 THEN p_xml_response := XMLTYPE(v_response_clob); END IF; DBMS_LOB.freetemporary(v_response_clob);

9 EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN p_error_message := 'Location=ihchr_web.call_service- '||v_location||chr(10)||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,240); END; END ihchr_web;

10 Parsing XML xpath Namespace Oracle functions

11 XPATH XML Path Language is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document. has xpath documentation has xpath examples /* selects everything from the root node down /bookstore/book/* select everything from book node down /bookstore/book[1]/text() selects the value for the 1 st book. /stockquote/stock/price/text() selects the price value for the stock

12 XML namespace Provide uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML document Not well documented for Oracle functions but are mandatory if namespaces are included in XML documents such as SOAP documents. Example: xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=

13 Oracle functions to Parse XML EXTRACT Syntax: xml_doc.EXTRACT(xpath,namespace).getvalue Example: v_xml_response.EXTRACT(‘/soap:store/book[1]/text()’,’xmlsn:soap=’).getstringval() XMLSEQUENCE Syntax: table(xmlsequence(extract(xml_doc,xpath,namespace))) Example select count(*) from table(xmlsequence(extract(xml_doc,xpath,namespace))) from dual; XMLTABLE Syntax: xmltable(xmlnamespaces(‘url’ as “namespace 1”),’xpath’ PASSING xml_doc COLUMNS type PATH ‘xpath’

14 XMLTABLE example: SELECT seq, company,old_dept,bus_unit,new_dept FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNamespaces('' as "env“,'' as "ns0"),'env:Envelope/env:Body/ns0:IfsCrosswalkResponse/ns0:CrosswalkValues' PASSING v_xml_response COLUMNS seq FOR ORDINALITY, company VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'ns0:Source1', old_dept VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'ns0:Source2', bus_unit VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'ns0:Target1', new_dept VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'ns0:Target2' ) AS my_table WHERE company = '105' ORDER BY old_dept

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