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The Theory of Gradualism and the Punctuated Equilibrium

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1 The Theory of Gradualism and the Punctuated Equilibrium
Theory by Niles Eldridge and Stephen Jay Gould Presentation by Mark Van Lierde

2 Gradualism Gradualism is a universal theory that has been applied to many other sciences aside from biology. Gradualism has been applied to geography Gradualism has been applied to linguistics, or language Gradualism has even been applied to the political science

3 Gradualism Continued Put plainly, gradualism is the theory that change occurs over time To use large words, gradualism is a theory proposed by a man named James Hutton in 1795 that states profound change is the product of cumulative change. It is more often than not contrasted with catastrophism.

4 Catastrophism It’s a simple theory that states large, catastrophic events changed the Earth, and got species to where they are today. EX. AND

5 More Gradualism (Little Bit)
Sometime after the theory was proposed by James, it was incorporated into a theory by a man called Charles Lyell. His theory was uniformitarianism, which stated that that changes within the earth’s crust were caused by cumulative change. Uniformitarianism is also contrasted with catastrophism.

6 Evolutionary Theory and Gradualism
Charles Darwin THE FATHER OF EVOLUTION was influenced by Charles Lyell’s book on the subject. He even incorporated it into his famous theory. Charles had first read Lyell’s first book: Principles of Geology

7 Gradualism Today Gradualism is often confused with phyletic gradualism, which is a biology specific term. Phyletic gradualism is a term that was created by two scientists (Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould) to contrast with their own model. The model of evolution created by Eldredge and Gould is called the punctuated equilibrium.

8 The Punctuated Equilibrium
The punctuated equilibrium is a theory on how species evolve proposed by Eldredge and Gould in 1972. Their theory states that throughout time there will be very little to no change in a species, this period of time is called stasis. When there is large change in a species occurs, it is called cladogenesis. Cladogensis is when species splits into two species as opposed to just turning into another.

9 Lol explanations

10 Lol more explanations

11 The Men Behind It Niles Eldrege and Stephen Jay Gould are a couple of paleontologists. They created the theory and applied it to their fossil records. It was supposed to help explain the fossils that are similar, but at the same time are different.

12 Stephen Jay Gould Lived from 1941-2002 American Paleontologist
Taught at Harvard, worked at various museums, also taught biology at New York University Died during his second fight with cancer


14 Niles Eldredge Was born in 1943 American Paleontologist
Works in a museum as a curator Likes to play jazz music


16 The Punctuated Equilibrium
The punctuated equilibrium is a way to explain how species change It is very similar to the tree-like diagram but seems more modern The straight section is when a species is in stasis When a line splits the species becomes two separate species

17 Differences Between the Punctuated Equilibrium and Gradualism
The differences between the two are very obvious. Gradualism says that it is cumulative change that changes a species. The punctuated equilibrium shows that change occurs quickly, and in short periods of time

18 Example of Gradualism One good example would be the turtles found on the Galapagos Islands. They changed slowly to fit into their respective environments.

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