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The shops in town directions. In my town,there is…

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Presentation on theme: "The shops in town directions. In my town,there is…"— Presentation transcript:

1 the shops in town directions


3 In my town,there is…

4 The bakery The bakery

5 The butchers The grocery

6 the pharmacy The sweet shop

7 the post office the bank

8 The train station The library

9 The swimming pool The town hall

10 the park the stadium

11 The cinema the school

12 the supermarket the market

13 the restaurant the zoo

14 the cafe The tabac shop

15 The church The hôtel

16 The bus station The hospital


18 The bakery The delicatessen The butchersThe grocery


20 The sweet shop the pharmacy the bankthe post office


22 The train station The library The town hallThe swimming pool


24 the parkthe stadium The school the cinema


26 the supermarketThe tabac shop the cafethe market


28 The churchThe hotel The bus stopThe hospital

29 directions

30 à gauche to the left Allez tout droit Go straight up à droite to the right

31 Tournez à droite Turn right Tournez à gauche Turn left

32 Prenez la première rue à droite Take the first to the right Prenez la deuxième rue à droite Take the second to the right

33 Prenez la première rue à gauche Take the first to the left Prenez la deuxième rue à gauche Take the second to the left

34 continue jusquau carrefour up to the junction jusquaux feux up to the traffic lights jusquau rond-point up to the round about

35 Traversez cross la place the public place la rue the street le pont the bridge

36 Exercices Where is…?

37 Where is the cafe? Go straight up,turn right,continue up to the traffic lights and take the first to the left.

38 Where is the pharmacy? Turn left,cross the bridge and take the second to the right.

39 where is the hotel? Continue up to the junction,cross the street and take the second to the left.

40 1 2 3 5 4 6 To go to the bank,turn right,take the first to the right,its the second street to the left. Right the direction of these places 1:the swimming pool 4:the bank 2:the market 5:the hotel 3:the church 6:the park

41 1 2 3 5 4 6


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