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2015 O’Fallon IL | The Hilton Garden Inn & The Regency Conference Center.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 O’Fallon IL | The Hilton Garden Inn & The Regency Conference Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 O’Fallon IL | The Hilton Garden Inn & The Regency Conference Center

2 Simplifying IT Presented by Keith Jones Prepared for AIEC IT and Engineering Conference

3 Introduction

4 Simplifying IT Strategically Organize & Use TIME

5 Simplifying IT My Favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time. -Steve Jobs

6 Simplifying IT By managing our time we simplify IT. Adjust Priorities How should time be spent How is time currently spent

7 How am I spending my TIME? Keep a TIME LOG

8 How should I spend my TIME? URGENTNOT URGENT IMPORTANT Crisis Pressing problems Deadline-driven projects, meetings, reports Preparation Prevention Planning Relationship building NOT IMPORTANT Needless interruptions Unimportant meetings, phone calls, or e-mail Other people’s minor issues Trivial busy work Irrelevant phone calls, mail, e- mail “Escape” activities References Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Steven Covey NRECA Course 381.05 – Personal Time Management Compare your TIME LOG to URGENCY-IMPORTANTCE GRID

9 Adjust Priorities Compare TIME LOG against URGENCY-IMPORTANCE GRID Look for patterns and reoccurrences of urgent tasks Internet, Server, etc. Outages SCADA RTU Failures E-Mail Issues Printers, Printers, and more Printers

10 Adjust Priorities Delegate, Automate, and Simplify where possible Microsoft 365 End-Of-Month Reporting MV-90 Meter Reads Transition from Laptops to Tablets in Field BYOD (Smartphone) Consolidate Printers to a Copier Don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees.

11 Adjust Priorities – Pareto Principle

12 Simplifying IT – Final Thought 8 AM10 AM12 PM2 PM4 PM E-Mail, Important/Urgent Tasks, Personal Development Important, Mentally Taxing, Planning, Strategic Thinking Non-Mentally Taxing, Work in Field, Meetings, Training

13 Simplifying IT – Final Thought Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few engage in it. -Henry Ford

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