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M Y N EW Y EAR ’ S R ESOLUTION ’ S FOR 2012 By Annalisa L.

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1 M Y N EW Y EAR ’ S R ESOLUTION ’ S FOR 2012 By Annalisa L.

2 Resolution means…A firm decision to do or not to do something : she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more | a New Year's resolution. Citation…New Oxford American Dictionary Definition of New Year’s Resolution’s

3 M Y 3 R ESOLUTIONS Personal Resolution School Resolution World Resolution

4 P ERSONAL R ESOLUTION ’ S I hope to be more responsible by doing my chores more often and keep a clean room so i can earn my allowance. I will make time to do my chores and to clean my room.

5 S CHOOL R ESOLUTION ’ S I hope to get all A’s on my report card. I will study more so I can get better grades on my school work.

6 W ORLD R ESOLUTION ’ S I will help people who can’t afford their own clothes. I will donate clothes that my family and I don’t need anymore.

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