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God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at.

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Presentation on theme: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at."— Presentation transcript:

1 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.

2 Today’s Checklist Proper sentences activity Take up questions on “Charles” Continue reading “The Grizzly” “The Grizzly” questions PAT Reminder: Descriptive paragraph due Monday Quiz on short story terms on Tuesday

3 The importance of proper grammar

4 a) I don't want to go to the beach next weekend, it's too cold. b) I want to go somewhere else for a vacation. c) A place where the weather is more predictable than in Manitoba. d) Vancouver Island had nice weather this year if it weren't so far away I'd like to go there. B

5 a) Making sure that the car is parked on level ground and the emergency brake is on. b) Jacking up the car and removing the flat tire. c) After the tire has been changed. d) Tighten the lug nuts and lower the jack. D

6 a) Randolph decided not to go into business because he was having trouble with accounting, after all, he had other options. b) Because he was having trouble with accounting, Randolph decided not to go into business, after all, he had other options. c) Because he was having trouble with accounting, Randolph decided not to go into business after all, he had other options. d) Because he was having trouble with accounting, Randolph decided not to go into business. After all, he had other options. D

7 a) The best thing about flat land is that. It is so consistent that there are no surprises. This is important when the streets are icy. b) The best thing about flat land is that it is so consistent that there are no surprises. This is important when the streets are icy. c) The best thing about flat land is that it is so consistent that there are no surprises this is important when the streets are icy. d) The best thing about flat land is that. It is so consistent that there are no surprises, this is important when the streets are icy. B

8 a) Considering all the clients he has brought in, I think we should give him a raise he deserves it. b) Considering all the clients she has brought in. I think we should give her a raise. She deserves it. c) Considering all the extra work she has done, I think we should give her a raise. She deserves it. d) Considering all the clients he has brought in, I think we should give him a raise, he deserves it. C

9 a) Several of the players protested the infraction, but the umpire waved play on, the manager of the Blue Jays raced onto the field to protest, arguing furiously with the officials. b) Several of the players protested the infraction, but the umpire waved play on. The manager of the Blue Jays raced onto the field to protest, arguing furiously with the officials. c) Several of the players protested the infraction but the umpire waved play on the manager of the Blue Jays raced onto the field to protest arguing furiously with the officials. d) Several of the players protested the infraction, the umpire waved play on. The manager of the Blue Jays raced onto the field to protest, arguing furiously with the officials. B

10 a) Because of all the extra work she has done. I think we should give her a raise. b) She deserves a raise and an extra day off because of all the extra work that she has done. c) We can give her a raise, she deserves it. d) A person of her quality a raise. But also a few extra days off. B

11 a) The intersection of Portage Avenue and Main Street is cold and windy in January. The coldest street corner in Canada. b) The intersection of Portage Avenue and Main Street is cold and windy in January it is reputed to be the coldest street corner in Canada. c) The intersection of Portage Avenue and Main Street is cold and windy in January. Reputed to be the coldest street corner in Canada. d) The intersection of Portage Avenue and Main Street is cold and windy in January. It is reputed to be the coldest street corner in Canada. D


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