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Invertebrates: Phylum Mollusca

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1 Invertebrates: Phylum Mollusca
Molluscs Large and diverse group Coelomates Bilateral symmetry, three germ layers, organ level of organization, tube-within-a- tube body plan

2 Mollusca cont’d 3 body parts Visceral mass Head/Foot Mantle
includes most organs Head/Foot Radula: rasping organ for feeding muscular portion used for locomotion Mantle covering that envelopes visceral mass Mantle cavity: space between the two folds of the mantle Mantle may secrete a shell

3 Diversity of molluscs Fig

4 Mollusca cont’d Class Gastropoda Foot is flattened ventrally
Gastro= stomach Poda = foot Foot is flattened ventrally Nudibranchs sea slugs, lack shell Conchs & snails have a shell Protection, prevents dessication in land snails Aquatic gastropods: have gills, Terrestrial gastropods:mantle has lung-like function

5 Mollusca cont’d Class Cephalopoda Squid, octopus, Chambered nautilus
Cephalo = brain poda = foot Squid, octopus, Chambered nautilus Body Structure Foot forms tentacles Powerful beak and radula for feeding Extremely well-developed eyes; complex behaviors Ink glands- secrete “ink”as defense mechanism

6 Gastropod and cephalopod anatomy

7 Molluscs cont’d Class Bivalva Clams, oysters, scallops
Bi = two valva= shells Clams, oysters, scallops Gills enclosed in mantle cavity Filter-feeders- water enters through incurrent siphon Visceral mass coelom is reduced-pericardial cavity is the only remains of the coelom Open circulatory system blood not always in vessels “sloshes” around in sinuses Heart pumps blood to dorsal aorta and then to organs

8 Molluscs cont’d Class Bivalva cont’d Lack cephalization
nervous system consists of ganglia connected by nerves Digestive system labial palps, esophagus, stomach, intestine Excretion by kidneys Sexes separate, fertilization produces a trochophore larva

9 Clam, Anodonta Fig

10 Comparison of clam to squid to land snail
Table 30.2

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