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Sympathomimetic Agents

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1 Sympathomimetic Agents
SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM Sympathomimetic Agents

2 SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM Mostly activated during stressful situations
Actions can be identified by reactions during “fright, fight, flight” Neurotransmitter at most post-ganglionic terminals is Noradrenaline Others: Adrenaline (Brain, adrenal) Adrenaline from adrenal medulla augments function during sympathetic activation Dopamine : Basal ganglia, other parts of brain, ? Periphery

3 Synthesis Storage and Release and degradation of NA, DA, Adr

4 Storage and release of Catecholamines
Storage in vesicles along with ATP and other substances Released by exocytosis Release is modified by presynaptic autoreceptors & heteroreceptors α2 ↓ β2 ↑

5 Termination of action of Catecholamines
Re-Uptake Enzymatic degradation Diffusion Extra synaptic uptake


7 Receptors are located PRE and POST-synaptically
Pre-synaptic receptors modify release from the terminal

8 Transduction mechanisms and actions of adrenergic receptor subtypes
Agonist Alpha 1 1A 1B 1C 1D Alpha 2 2A 2B 2C 2D Beta 1 2 3 DA ( 1,2,4,5)  IP3 ; DAG (common) +  Ca influx ?  Ca influx  cAMP (common) +  K ,  Ca channels  Ca channels cAMP (common)  (D1,5),  cAMP (D2,3,4) Epi > NE >> Iso ( Phenylephrine, Methoxamine) ( Clonidine ) Iso > Epi > NE Dobutamine Terbutaline Iso = NE > Epi DA,

9 Organ system effects of sympathetic activation
EYE Radial muscle Ciliary muscle I.O. Pressure Lacrymal glands CVS HEART SA node; Atria AV node Purkinje Ventricles Blood Vessels 1 2 1; 2 (& 1) (1 & 2) D1 Mydriasis Relaxation &  accomodation  Aquous outflow  Increase aquous formation Secretion + HR; contractility & CV  automaticity, idioventricular pacemakers +++ constriction (Skin, spalnchnic ) relaxation (Skeletal muscle) relaxation (Renal, coronary, cerebral)

10 Organ system effects of sympathetic activation
BRONCHI (SmM) GIT GENITOURINARY Uterus Bladder trigone, sphincter detrussor Male sexual organs 2 1 relaxation relaxation (  ACh release) relaxation (direct - smooth muscle) contraction of sphincters contraction (pregnant) relaxation (Preg. & Non-preg) contraction ejaculation

11 Organ system effects of sympathetic activation
METABOLIC Fat cells Liver Pancreas J-G cells 2  (& ) 1 Lipolysis; Inhibit lipolysis Glycogenolysis Insulin secretion  Insulin secretion  Renin rsecretion  Renin secretion


13 Targets for Pharmacological Interference
Tyrosine hyhroxylase  MPT  NA DOPA decarboxylase  Methyldopa Pseudotransmitter* Dopamine  hydroxylase Disulfiram Release of NA Tyramine Sympathomimetic Amphetamine Release of NA Guanethidine Sympatholytic Bretylium Reuptake Cocaine,  effect of NT Imipramine  indirect mimetics Reuptake into granules Reserpine Release Depletion

14 Targets for Pharmacological Interference
Presynaptic 2 Catecholamines  release Presynaptic 2 Catecholamines  release Presynaptic M ACh  release  MAO Several  metabolism  Extrasynaptic uptake PBZ, Steroids  Effect  COMT Pyrogallol Talcapone Entacapone

15 Sympathomimetic drugs
Directly acting Mixed Indirectly acting Ephedrine Tyramine Amphetamine Catecholamines Non-Catecholamines α1 agonists α2 agonists β2 agonists Clonidine Methyldopa* Apraclonidine Guanfacine Guanabenz Endogenous Methoxamine Phenylephrine Terbutaline Albuterol Fenoterol Pirbuterol Long Acting Procaterol Salmeterol DA, NA, Adr Synthetic Isoprenaline (β1 & β2) Dobutamine (β1) Isoetharine Prenalterol Oxymetazoline Xylometazoline Naphazoline

Adrenaline Noradrenaline Dopamine

ADRENALINE (Epinephrine): Mainly from adrenal medulla (Also some neurons in brain) Receptor actions : Both  and ; Potency for  >  All effects of stimulation of  and  receptors; but some are more evident. Heart:  rate, force, arrhythmias (high dose, rapid administration)

18 Blood Pressure: Adrenaline is one of the most potent vasoconstrictors Pharmacological dose: ↑Force and rate of ventricular contraction (β1) ↑Vascular resistance (skin, mucosa, kidney) (α) + ↑Marked venoconstriction Lower dose:  B.P. ( 2 more sensitive) Cutaneous blood flow  ; Skeletal muscle blood flow  Nett effect:  C.O. & B.P. (systolic ; diastolic ±)

19 Dale’s Reversal Phenomenon
Mean arterial blood pressure PBZ Adr

20 Respiratory system: Bronchodilatation ( specially when constriction +nt) CNS: Not marked ( poor BBB penetration) Large doses: Restlessness, apprehension, headache, tremor Metabolic:  Blood glucose (  insulin (2); glucose uptake; glycogenolysis) (glucagon secretion - ) Mast cells : Stabilized

21 Absorption fate and excretion
Orally ineffective (hydrolyzed by liver and gut) Absorption I.M > S.C. ; Given I.V. in emergencies ; Inhalation (nebulized) Toxicity : due to  and  stimulation Mainly CVS: BP, vasoconstriction, tachycardia, arrhythmia Therapeutic uses: Anaphylaxis ( I.M / I.V.) ( 0.3 – 0.5 ml of 1:1000) Cardiac arrest (May have to be given intra-cardiac ) With local anaesthetics ( 1: ) Topical haemostatic :bleeding from mouth, peptic ulcer, nose Bronchial asthma – s.c. or inhalation (nebulized)

22 2.NORADRENALINE (Norepinephrine)
Released from post-ganglionic sympathetic nerves 10-20% of content of adrenal medullary secretion Receptor action: α 1 , α 2 & β1  >  No effect on β2

23 Comparison of effects of Epinephrine and NE
Receptor action 1 α2 1 2 Heart HR CO Arrhythmias Coronary flow Blood Pressure Systolic Mean Diastolic Muscle flow Cutaneous flow Epinephrine ++ + +++ ++++ +,0,- Norepinephrine ++ (slightly less) 0, – 0,+

24 Other effects: Similar to Epinephrine Metabolic effects seen with larger doses Toxicity: Similar to Epinephrine but greater  in BP Greater vasoconstriction : sloughing and necrosis can occur at site of administration Uses : Hardly used now except sometimes in peripheral vascular failure (eg. Septic shock).

25 DOPAMINE Immediate precursor of NE
Neurotransmitter in CNS (? Periphery) CVS effects: Low conc. : D Renal, mesenteric and coronary vasodilatation  glomerular filteration renal blood flow, Na excretion Moderate Conc. :  Positive inotropic effect on heart  in systolic BP and pulse pressure, ± on diastolic pressure High Conc. :  Generalized vasoconstriction

26 Other effects : Not significant. Therapeutic Uses:-
Severe CHF (sp. with oliguria) Cardiogenic and septic shock Major Actions of DA are within the CNS Five receptor subtypes (D1 to D5) D1 – excitatory D2 – inhibitory Involved in behavioural functions, endocrine regulation

27 Sympathomimetic Catecholamines
DRUG α1 α2 β1 β2 DA Adrenaline +++ ++ Noradrenaline Dopamine + Dobutamine +/- Isoprenaline


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