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MDC’s and LDC’s Explain the differences in population growth between the more developed countries and the less developed countries.

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Presentation on theme: "MDC’s and LDC’s Explain the differences in population growth between the more developed countries and the less developed countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 MDC’s and LDC’s Explain the differences in population growth between the more developed countries and the less developed countries.

2 Characteristics of MDC’s & LDC’s
Draw a t-chart in your notes. Label one side “MDC’s” and one side “LDC’s” MDC’s LDC’s Characteristics of MDC’s & LDC’s

3 Characteristics of MDC’s & LDC’s
With a partner, place the following words on the side of the t-chart in which you think they MOST belong. Low GDP* Technology Poor Education High Literacy Infrastructure Clean Water Industrial Revolution Medical Revolution Low Sanitation Low Literacy High GDP* India Nigeria United States France Mexico Characteristics of MDC’s & LDC’s *GDP – Gross Domestic Product which Is the amount of money the country makes

4 Industrial Revolution
Occurred in Europe and North America during the 19th Century. Advances in technology such as steam engine, mass production, railroads, better farming equipment Increased wealth Wealth was used to improve sanitation systems, clean water, etc. Industrial Revolution

5 Occurred in Africa, Asia and Latin America during the 20th Century.
Medical Revolution NOT Industrial Revolution Access to vaccinations and medications which lowered death rates and led to a higher NIR How does this impact the population in these areas???? Medical Revolution

6 What does the word “newly” mean?
What does it mean to be a “newly-wed?” What does it mean if something has been “newly” painted? What does the term “newly single” mean? What does the word “newly” mean?

7 What does the word “industrialized” mean?
What do you think of when you hear the word industrialized? In a country that is industrialized, what do you think most people would be doing for a living? What would there be a lot of? What does the word “industrialized” mean?

8 Now..let’s put them together…
“Newly Industrialized” – countries which have recently become industrialized. Characteristics: LDC’s moving toward becoming MDC’s…but not there yet. Economic growth. Switch from agricultural to industrial economies. Many factories. Many people moving to cities for jobs in factories. Now..let’s put them together…

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