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Behavioural and Social Sciences

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1 Behavioural and Social Sciences

2 Definitions Sociology -focuses on people in groups, the relationships between people and the social structures developed by people. Psychology –focuses on individuals, studying their mental processes and behaviours. Anthropology – concerns itself with human beings as a species and as members of different cultures.

3 Two divisions of Anthropology
Cultural - different ways humans think and act in cultures around the world Physical – humans as a biological species and how they interact with the environment; origins and changes

4 Anthropology: How did we get here?
Until the mid 1850’s , most people believed that humans had always been how they were and had lived on Earth for more 6000 years. 1859 – British biologist Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species” which argued that all life slowly evolved. 1871 – he published “The Descent of Man” which focused on man’s relationship to other creatures.

5 DARWIN’S THEORY: “Survival of the Fittest”
All plants and animals evolve from a lower order to a more complex form. Only the strongest of the offspring will survive, reproduce and pass on their characteristics to the next generation Any characteristic which is not necessary to survival will gradually disappear. Basically, all life on earth began over a billion years ago as single one-celled organisms and evolved to more complex species. Therefore, humans evolved from the lower order of species, otherwise known as PRIMATES!

6 Survival of living things will depend on:
Predators Disease Environmental conditions

7 RESULT: Controversy!!! Contradicted the theory of Creation in the Bible Humans were related to a lower order of animals! NO WAY!!! Upsetting and insulting to believe that our ancestors were apes! Why is evolution Controversial Anyway?

8 The Hornet, 1871 Britain’s Punch magazine, 1871

9 What makes Humans so special?
If Darwin’s theory is true, then humans evolved very slowly from the lower order of species called PRIMATES (Chimpanzee, baboon, gorilla, gibbon and monkeys) Difficulty of determining when primate ended and humans began in the evolutionary line As such, many anthropologists study these primates to finds links between them and humans.

10 Connections with other species:
Jane Goodall Studied the behaviour of chimps in Nigeria starting in 1960 for over 10 years. She began to recognize personality and social characteristics Discovered that primates use tools(until then only humans) Very social creatures They show emotions Dian Fossey Studied the mountain gorilla in Rwanda, Africa

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