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Quiz #1 1.7g - 5 - 8g + 12 2.11c – 8 +5c – 8 3.8x + 9 – 6x – 7 4.3x + 8 + 4 x - 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz #1 1.7g - 5 - 8g + 12 2.11c – 8 +5c – 8 3.8x + 9 – 6x – 7 4.3x + 8 + 4 x - 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz #1 1.7g - 5 - 8g + 12 2.11c – 8 +5c – 8 3.8x + 9 – 6x – 7 4.3x + 8 + 4 x - 9

2 Distribution Notes #1 Objective: 1.Use distributive property to evaluate expressions. (Variable) 2.Use distributive property to simplify expressions. (Variable) Note: when you hear, read, or write the word distribute, think multiply.

3 Distribution Classwork #1: 1.4(3x + 1) 2.-5(5x - 4) 3.12(x + 2) 4.(-2x – 3)4 5.-(2x – 1)

4 One Step Equations Notes #1: Adding: y - 7 = 15-7 + y = 1515 = y – 7 Subtracting: y + 7 = 15 7 + y = 15 15 = y + 7

5 One Step Equations Notes #1: Multiply: 2x = 83y = -27-9y = 18 Dividing: x/4 = 2x/-9 = 3x/-2 = -9

6 One Step Equations Classwork #1:

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