*When Jehoshaphat heard the report, he was alarmed *We don’t know what tomorrow holds! *The greatness of our fears shows us the smallness of our faith.

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Presentation on theme: "*When Jehoshaphat heard the report, he was alarmed *We don’t know what tomorrow holds! *The greatness of our fears shows us the smallness of our faith."— Presentation transcript:


2 *When Jehoshaphat heard the report, he was alarmed *We don’t know what tomorrow holds! *The greatness of our fears shows us the smallness of our faith 2 CHRONICLES 20:1-30

3 *Jehoshaphat RESOLVED to seek the Lord… FIRST! *He called the people to FAST and pray #1. SEEK THE LORD

4 You rule over all; power and might are in Your hand; no one can stand against You have done miracles for us before *God still has His hands on the steering wheel of the universe! #1. SEEK THE LORD JEHOSHAPHAT’S PRAYER:

5 Here’s the situation… this one’s a BIGGIE! #1. SEEK THE LORD JEHOSHAPHAT’S PRAYER: We have no power… we don’t know what to do, but our eyes are upon You… we are helpless!

6 *Jehoshaphat stood on the grounds of God’s promises #1. SEEK THE LORD *All of the people just stood there before the Lord… they were waiting, listening, expecting God to respond

7 1st Command: DON’T BE AFRAID OR DISCOURAGED Numbers mean nothing to God! How do we view situations? Issue is perspective #2. STAND IN THE LORD

8 1st Promise: THE LORD WILL FIGHT THE BATTLE #2. STAND IN THE LORD To have God on our side is everything!

9 2nd Command: TAKE YOUR POSITION, STAND FIRM, AND WATCH #2. STAND IN THE LORD 2nd Promise: THE LORD WILL GIVE YOU DELIVERANCE The same God who delivered Israel from Egypt would deliver Judah in battle and will deliver YOU today!

10 3rd Promise: THE LORD WILL BE WITH YOU God hears us, He is ready to answer us, and He always purposes to send us the best kind of deliverance #2. STAND IN THE LORD 3rd Command: GO OUT TO FACE THE ENEMY

11 The people fell down in worship before the Lord; then they stood up and praised the Lord with a very loud voice #2. STAND IN THE LORD 3rd Command: GO OUT TO FACE THE ENEMY 3rd Promise: THE LORD WILL BE WITH YOU

12 *The king said: “Have faith in the Lord your God, and you will be upheld” The best evidence of faith is prompt and joyful obedience #3. STAY UPON THE LORD

13 Indicates trust, expectancy, anticipation Faith is the ability to believe what your common sense tells you isn’t true #3. STAY UPON THE LORD *They worshiped and praised the Lord on the way to the battle!

14 *As they began to sing and praise, the Lord ambushed the enemy! #3. STAY UPON THE LORD Faith gives us the courage to face the present with confidence, and the future with expectancy *Secret of blessing: Trust in God

15 *They assembled in the Valley of Blessing to praise the Lord #3. STAY UPON THE LORD If we will just trust and obey God, and focus on what He has called us to do, He will take care of the enemy and bless us! *They went home joyfully, the Lord had given them cause to rejoice

16 *The fear of God came upon all the kingdoms #3. STAY UPON THE LORD People WILL see how God works His wonders in our lives! *Judah was at peace, God gave them rest Peace and rest are part of God’s blessing for obedience

17 1. PRAYER – calling on God 2. WORSHIP – praising and thanking God 3. FAITH – trusting in God, believing His promises Faith helps us walk fearlessly, run confidently, live victoriously #3. STAY UPON THE LORD Our best defenses in time of trouble are:



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