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PGCE Primary and a Mastery approach …the journey so far

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1 PGCE Primary and a Mastery approach …the journey so far

2 Our context: Our Primary Award has run for 3 years and offers a PGCE with QTS Our provision started with a cohort of 20, then rose to 32 and last year was at 47 The Award started with one full time staff member and now has 2 full time members of staff. Our remit involves all aspects of provision on the course – recruitment, placements, placement supervision, partnership support, growing school direct provision, teaching sessions, tutorial support, marking etc. Last year the University grew it’s involvement at a primary level with it’s MAT and we provide the class based support and training for 2 primary academies. As a small award we are able to make adaptations as we have a full overview of the programme and not dependent on other team members / cohesion across large teams

3 The structure of the award: -After the first year of the award where we tried to cover maths and literacy on an ongoing basis the decision was taken to move towards more of a block provision so that trainees had a working knowledge before entering school. -We start at the beginning of September and have 2 full weeks focusing on literacy and mathematics -We then pick up on other relevant aspects over the year i.e. Guided Reasoning, Problem Solving, Working Walls, Effective environments etc. -The maths sessions follow the key themes of mathematics in terms of mathematical areas i.e.: -Early counting skills, Place value, Mental Strategies, Calculations, Fractions, Data Handling, Shape, Space and Measures

4 What do we mean by mastery? Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics. The large majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace. Differentiation is achieved by emphasising deep knowledge and through individual support and intervention. Teaching is underpinned by methodical curriculum design and supported by carefully crafted lessons and resources to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge. Practice and consolidation play a central role. Carefully designed variation within this builds fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts in tandem. Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual and procedural knowledge, and assess pupils regularly to identify those requiring intervention so that all pupils keep up. Many elements outside a trainees control

5 Our journey towards mastery: In leading the provision my journey… 2013/2014 - New Currciulum not just about increased expectations engaging in reading / reflection / discussion with colleagues in consultancy / OFSTED/Headteachers -2014/2015: Working in MATs –reading around NCETM, OFSTED, Singaporian Principles. Looking at primary practice and how the pedagogy and emphasis needed to shift from an objective based approach to a concept based approach. -Supporting MATs with developing pedagogy based on structured apparatus, reducing the spread of abilities, more active engagement, planning from a more concept driven curriculum, planning a curriculum that enabled more specific focus and greater time to embed -Already a high focus on the use of concrete resources - More focus on trainees teaching sequences of lessons -With trainees – sharing NCETM articles, discussing the shift in practice (NB not evident in the schools they were working in) -With NQTS – returners conference on a Mastery approach – utilsing NCETM and discussing practice and approach -A deep focus on Progress of learners through Personal Improvement Planning and Lesson observations (TS 2)

6 Our journey towards mastery: -2015/2016: A review of the maths sessions – more emphasis on structured use of apparatus including Numicon, place value counters -Tweaking sessions to discuss how depth is obtained and can be shown. Further developing the links to some co-operative learning structures to open up activities to promote mathematical dialogue -Including in the sessions the NCETM report to review and discuss / reflect on in light of pedagogical approaches seen in school -Tasks to support the focus on differentiation by resource not be scale of numbers -Increased emphasis in all sessions on C - V - A -Independent reading on bar method -Additional sessions in partnership with local Maths hub and primary teachers who are on the mastery approach -PGCE EYTS started and leading on literacy and numeracy aspects for these employed practitioners -Continued school based support MAT -Discussions with partner schools whilst out on tutor visits

7 Our continued developments: -2016 onwards… -Increase number of days / sessions with maths focus -More focus on early number concepts – number sense / counting etc. as many later errors are due to misconceptions formed at this stage -Increase liaison and involvement with local hubs -Lead more training for in school staff -Depth of questioning The challenges -Ensuring school based practitioners are having the same discussions / open to this approach -Depth of subject knowledge of trainees /depth of questioning

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