BY: Alessia Bonilla, Veronique Villeda, Rafael Aguilar, Diego Alvarado.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: Alessia Bonilla, Veronique Villeda, Rafael Aguilar, Diego Alvarado."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: Alessia Bonilla, Veronique Villeda, Rafael Aguilar, Diego Alvarado

2  Definite Shape  No Definite Volume  Particles: Very close together

3  Crystalline Solids -Particles form a regular repeating pattern, mostly made up of Crystals.  Amorphous Solids -Particles not arranged in a regular pattern, plastic, rubbers, glass.

4  Definite Volume  No Definite Shape  Particles are packed together, but more freely.  Fluid= “A Substance that flows.”

5  Surface Tension: Result on an inward pull of molecules belonging to a liquid that brings the molecules on the surface more together.  Viscosity: The liquid’s resistance to flow.

6  A gas is a fluid.  No definite shape  No definite volume  Particles are spread apart

7  Melting is the change of a solid to liquid. Occurs at a specific melting point called melting point. At its melting point the particles of a solid substance are vibrating so fast that they break free from their fixed positions.

8  The state from a liquid to a solid is called freezing. This process is the reverse of melting. At the freezing temperature the particles of a liquid are moving so slowly that they begin to form regular patterns.

9  Vaporization takes place when the particles in a liquid gain enough energy to form a gas.

10  Another kind of vaporization is called boiling occurs when a liquid changes to a gas below its surface as well as at the surface the results can be seen when the boiling liquid bubbles

11  This is the opposite of vaporization this occurs when particles in a gas loose enough thermal energy to form a liquid.

12  Occurs when the surface particles of a solid gain enough energy that they form a gas. During sublimation particles of a solid do not pass through a liquid state as they form a gas.

13 -Crystalline -Amorphous -Surface Tension -Viscosity -Evaporation -Boiling Particles: fixed Packed: Closely together -Move freely -Close -Move freely -Far apart







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