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Evolution of Numbers Setsuko Mori. Overview California Mathematics Content Standards. An essential Question & a unit question. A map of ancient civilization.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of Numbers Setsuko Mori. Overview California Mathematics Content Standards. An essential Question & a unit question. A map of ancient civilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of Numbers Setsuko Mori

2 Overview California Mathematics Content Standards. An essential Question & a unit question. A map of ancient civilization. 1.Egypt 2.Babylonia 3.Maya 4.China 5.Roma Computers Works Cited

3 California Mathematics Content Standards: Grade Seven, Number Sense 1.0 Students know the properties of, and compute with, rational numbers expressed in a variety of forms: 2.0 Students use exponents, powers, and roots and use exponents in working with fractions:

4 Unit Question (2): How has a method of counting evolved over time from ancient civilization to today? Essential Question: Why are numbers important in your life?

5 Imagine thousands of years ago… what did ancient people count? How did they count? Why did they count?

6 Ancient Civilization 123 4 5 Current Decimal System

7 Five thousand years ago, 1. Egyptian Civilization: 3000-1600 BC Counting Geese , The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. How did they built them? How did they calculate? Did they take an inventory of Pharaoh’s possessions?

8 Egyptian Numeration System : 3400 BCE How many symbols/numerals are there? How many digits are there? What is the base for this system? How does this system differ from the current decimal system?

9 What are they in decimal system? 200 70 70 6 4000600 20 2

10 2. Babylonia, Mesopotamia: 1750 BC How many symbols are there? How do these numerals differ from Egyptians’? Babylonian numerals on a clay tablet.

11 Babylonian Numerals Two numerals: Ĭ = 1 < = 10

12 How to decipher this number? How to decipher this number? How many place values are there? Is there a place holder? How does base 60 work?

13 Sexagesimal System (base 60) 60 2 1 3 0 21600 X 1 x57 3600 X 5760 X 461 X 40= 42,400 +++

14 Sexagesimal System Base 60 for Today 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds 01:59:5902:00:00

15 3. Mayan Civilization C.E. 300 and C.E. 900 The Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichén Itzá The pyramid was used as a calendar: four stairways, each with 91 steps and a platform at the top, making a total of 365, equivalent to the number of days in a calendar year.

16 Mayan Numerals

17 What is the number in blue? How many symbols are there? Base 20?

18 Why Base 20? Mayan Civil Calendar: 20 days x 18months + one 5 day month. Mayan Ritual Calendar: 20 days x 13 months. Ten fingers and ten toes? Mayans cerebrate K'atun, a ceremony that was conducted every 20 years.

19 4. Chinese Numerals 10 100,000,000 10,000 100 1,000 1,000,000,000,000 一億三千六百二十九 (equals 100,003,629)

20 5. Roman Numeration system 500 B.C.E. and C.E. 100 1 I1IV4 V5IX9 X10XL40 L50XC90 C100CD400 D500CM900 M1000 CCLXXXI (equals 281) MCVIII (equals 1108)

21 Computer Language Two symbols: 0 and 1 Binary numeral system On or off on a circuit board 0 01 10 11 100 101012345 110 111 1000 1001 1010 101167891011

22 Egyptian 7 symbols Base 10 Babylonian 2 symbols Place valued Place holder Base 60 Mayan 2 symbols Zero Place valued Base 20 Roman 7 symbols Base 10 Chinese 16 symbols Base 10 Hindu-Arabic (ours) Decimal System Base 10 Computer 2 symbols Base 2

23 References The British Museum (Egyptology) Http:// mayan.htmlHttp:// mayan.html (Mayan Calendar) (History of Mathematics Archive) (History of World)

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