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The Daily News Journal, April 17, 2015 Spokesperson for the Stones River Church of Christ, Tony Woodall: “We actually believe there is one kingdom of.

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2 The Daily News Journal, April 17, 2015 Spokesperson for the Stones River Church of Christ, Tony Woodall: “We actually believe there is one kingdom of God on this planet. And like families, some are Jones, some are Smith, some are Johnson … (the church body has) names like Baptist, Church of Christ, Nazarene.”

3 The church Jesus built is not a denomination.

4 The called-out body and assembly belonging to Christ originated in the 1 st century.  Jesus established His gathering together to Himself of His disciples.  Matthew 16:18; John 10:16  With the preaching of the gospel, the Lord’s church grew.  Acts 2:41, 47; 5:11; 8:1; 11:22, 26; 14:23

5 The called-out body and assembly belonging to Christ originated in the 1 st century.  The church of Christ was one relationship of saved souls, one fellowship of God in Christ.  1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4; 5:23

6 The Christ-built church adheres to Christ’s doctrine revealed in the New Testament.  There is one foundation for the church built by Jesus.  1 Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20  The same message was preached to all.  Luke 8:11; 1 Corinthians 4:17; 16:11

7 The Christ-built church adheres to Christ’s doctrine revealed in the New Testament.  Preach a different gospel, then departure from the truth occurs and different kinds of churches multiply.  John 8:31; 2 John 9  Galatians 1:8-9; 2 Thessalonians 2:10; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Timothy 4:1-4

8 Jesus did not build denominations. He built one church. He is the Savior of one church. To be a church of Christ today, we must teach and practice all that Christ has commanded and taught in the New Testament.


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