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Congress Venue: Florence, Italy Objective: Organization of a meeting devoted to collaborative projects presentation for fund raising Date:May 23rd, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Congress Venue: Florence, Italy Objective: Organization of a meeting devoted to collaborative projects presentation for fund raising Date:May 23rd, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress Venue: Florence, Italy Objective: Organization of a meeting devoted to collaborative projects presentation for fund raising Date:May 23rd, 2010 Scientific Fair & Exhibition Meeting of Immunonephrology WG ERA-EDTA

2 May 23rd, 2010 14.00 – 14.30Registration 14.30 – 14.45Welcome to attendants R Coppo, M Daha 14.45 – 15.15“Branding Corporation: EDTA and WG The role of the Scientific Fair” L Gesualdo 15.15 – 17.30 17.30 – 19.30 Poster visit and discussion Program Combined EULAR-ERA/EDTA recommendations for the management of lupus nephritis. D Jayne (UK) Exploring a new concept in the pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome – the production of circulating proteases by the activated immune system. M Saleem (UK) Immune-regulatory functions of chemokine binding proteins in glomerular and tubulointerstitial renal disease. V Vielhauer (D) Podocyte-specific autoantibodies in diabetic nephropathy. L Musante (Ireland) Role of the immune system in hypertensionAng II-induced chronic renal damage. D Mueller (D) Lights and shadows on proliferation signal inhibitors (PSIs). A national study in recipients of kidney transplant. M Salvadori (IT)

3 Immunonephrology Scientific Fair 2010 25 high quality projects were presented to industries to explore areas of common interest. 3 platforms were identified: Animals models useful to develop new drugs or test drugs under evaluation Cell colture systems (mostly co-colture complex systems) useful to develop biomarkers and detect subsets of patients at risk of progression. These tecniques can be helpful for glomerular disease, transplantation and immune involvement in hypertension. 3) Rare diseases for which biobanks and data registries open to the whole EU will be developed

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