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1 Easter

2 Information about the holiday
Easter is the feast of Christ resurrection(воскрешения). It is celebrated according to the Moon calendar , on the first Sunday after the first spring full Moon. The Orthodox and Greek Catholic Churches use the Julian calendar , so Easter in Ukraine does not coincide with Easter in the countries with other Christian Churches. It is usually celebrated on Sunday between the 4th of April and the 8th of May.

3 Traditions of Easter celebration in Ukraine
Traditional food: Easter breads (Pasky) Decorated or colored Easter eggs (pysanky and krashanky) Butter, leaf lard, sausage, smoked meat, cheese, roast pork etc.

4 Easter begins from matins(утренняя служба) and high mass ,during which Easter food is blessed in the church. After matins people exchange Easter greetings , give each other krashanky and then hurry home with their baskets of blessed food. Nowadays , Easter is the national holiday in Ukraine.

5 Easter in Britain . Traditions
Easter Eggs Every Easter family and friends give each other Easter eggs to celebrate new life. Around 80 million chocolate eggs are eaten every year in England. Eggs are given on Easter Sunday. Normally, you will get some big chocolate eggs from your family. The traditional game on this day is “Easter egg hunt”.

6 Easter Bunny Easter bunny is not a modern invention. It had its origins from pre- Christian days. It’s the symbol of fertility(плодородие, богатство). Nowadays, the Easter bunny has become a cute little rabbit, that hides Easter eggs for children on Easter. It is lucky to meet a lamb at Easter. Lambs also symbolise Spring

7 HOT CROSS BUNS Traditionally these are eaten on Good Friday.
The white cross on top symbolises the cross of Jesus. They are a rich, spiced teacake. Normally you eat them with butter or jam and you can have them hot or cold.

8 EASTER SUNDAY Traditionally we have boiled eggs for breakfast,
and roast lamb and vegetables with mint sauce for lunch.

9 EASTER CAKES Simnel Cake is a fruit cake with marzipan on top and it is decorated with 11 marzipan balls representing the 12 apostles minus Judas. This is eaten on Easter Sunday.

10 EASTER BISCUITS These biscuits are eaten on Easter Sunday.
They have spices, currants and sometimes grated lemon rind.

11 EASTER AT SCHOOL The younger pupils make Easter bonnets.
They also paint hard-boiled or hollow eggs. At school, children often make chocolate Easter nests.

12 EASTER EGG HUNT Every Easter, families, schools and other places organise Easter egg hunts. The adults hide the eggs in different places and the children have to find them. This usually takes place outside. Sometimes prizes are given for the largest and smallest egg found and the most amount of eggs found.

13 EASTER CARDS Every Easter, family and friends send Easter cards to one another.


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