AVIONICS AE 2401. About the Course  Avionics engineers work in the aerospace industry. Their work encompasses tasks related to designing and programming.

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2 About the Course  Avionics engineers work in the aerospace industry. Their work encompasses tasks related to designing and programming electrical systems on board spacecraft, aircraft and satellites.  Avionics engineers provide computer system support for all communication, navigation and guidance systems and perform testing to ensure that those systems work properly.  Avionics Technicians have the opportunity to work with the modern avionics systems fitted to our fleet a fixed wing and rotary wing aircrafts, including the recently upgraded maritime and reconnaissance aircraft and the new medium helicopter.


4 INTRODUCTION Avionics are the electronic systems used on aircraft, artificial satellites, and spacecraft. Avionic systems include communications, navigation, the display and management of multiple systems, and the hundreds of systems that are fitted to aircraft to perform individual functions. These can be as simple as a searchlight for a police helicopter or as Complicated as the tactical system for an airborne early warning platform.

5 INTRODUCTION cont….. Many modern avionics have their origins in world war II wartime developments. For example, autopilot systems that are prolific today were started to help bomber planes fly steadily enough to hit precision targets from high altitudes. Famously, radar was developed in the UK, Germany, and the United States during the same period. Modern avionics is a substantial portion of military aircraft spending. Aircraft like the F-15Eand the now retired F-14 have roughly 20 percent of their budget spent on avionics. Most modern helicopters now have budget splits of 60/40 in favor of avionics.

6 UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO AVIONICS  Need for Avionics in civil and military aircraft and space systems – Integrated Avionics System – Typical avionics sub systems – Design approaches and recent advances - Application Technologies.

7 UNIT II PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS  Digital Computers – Digital number system- number systems and codes-Fundamentals of logic and combinational logic circuits –Digital arithmetic – interfacing with analogue systems - Microprocessors – Memories.

8 UNIT III DIGITAL AVIONICS ARCHITECTURE  Avionics system architecture– salient features and applications of Data buses MIL–STD 1553 B–ARINC 429 – ARINC 629.

9 UNIT IV FLIGHT DECK AND COCKPITS  Control and display technologies CRT, LED, LCD, EL and plasma panel - Touch screen - Direct voice input (DVI) - Civil cockpit and military cock pit : MFDS, HUD, MFK, HOTAS

10 UNIT V AVIONICS SYSTEMS  Communication Systems - Navigation systems - Flight control systems - Radar electronic warfare - Utility systems Reliability and maintainability - Certification.

11 SEMINAR TOPICS Typical avionics sub systems Microprocessors Data buses MIL LED, LCD Flight control systems.

12 ASSIGNMENT TOPICS Need for Avionics in civil. Microprocessors. STD 1553 B. Direct voice input (DVI). Flight control systems.

13 URL’S http://www.jdrr.yolasite.com/resources/Aeronautical_Engineering/MO DEL_QUESTION_PAPERS/Aero_Odd_%283,5,7%29_Semester/Avio nics.pdf http://www.jdrr.yolasite.com/resources/Aeronautical_Engineering/MO DEL_QUESTION_PAPERS/Aero_Odd_%283,5,7%29_Semester/Avio nics.pdf http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470059966.html http://www.aviationtoday.com/av/military/CAAS-Past-Present-and- Future_5264.html http://www.aviationtoday.com/av/military/CAAS-Past-Present-and- Future_5264.html http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/689692?uid=3738256&uid=2129 &uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21104361556703 http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/689692?uid=3738256&uid=2129 &uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21104361556703 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertial_navigation_system

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