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The Internal Fashion Show; a project which demonstrates the value of un-assessed student activities and experiential learning. Samantha Elliott Associate.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internal Fashion Show; a project which demonstrates the value of un-assessed student activities and experiential learning. Samantha Elliott Associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Internal Fashion Show; a project which demonstrates the value of un-assessed student activities and experiential learning. Samantha Elliott Associate Professor, Kingston University

2 PRE-INTERNAL FASHION SHOW Student’s showcased collections to an industry panel (comprising of 4/5 members) Collections costing upwards of £2000 were shown on student models Each student allocated roughly 4 minutes Student dissatisfaction was evident through poor N.S.S results and verbal feedback

3 WHY? Due to a drop in student satisfaction (documented through N.S.S results) In 2013 a project was developed to improve the student experience; it was titled the ‘Internal Fashion Show’. Student and staff dissatisfaction

4 THE INTERNAL FASHION SHOW WAS DEVELOPED TO ; Promote fairness and equality, offering a suitable platform for all students to showcase final work. To enable students to demonstrate non-academic skills, valuable for Personal development planning, and linked to employability. To bring together the three level of the Fashion B.A, to enable a closer community of students, and to facilitate cross- departmental working for both students and staff involved in the project. To further publisise the department within the institution, raising awareness of the standard of work and activities produced within the fashion department To enable a third stream of income, and promote sponsorship opportunities.

5 Student Academic Development Research Associate Scheme The project was linked to a research project SADRAS (Student Academic Development Research Associate Scheme) which was initially used by students to launch the fundraising. The added benefit to linking the practical outcome to a research project allowed the students to recognize the academic worth of the extra skills they were demonstrating as well as giving them access to 1000 pounds, which was used to launch the fundraising.

6 Methodology Students were consulted and elected a group of six members to work closely with the lead tutor to deliver the project. Roles were allocated, including, logistics, marketing and bookkeeping Students were able to develop communication skills and demonstrate non-core skills through their activities Meetings were held which included the three levels (upwards of 200 students) this promoted a collegic atmosphere and ensured that level 6 students mixed with level 4.

7 Un-assessed skills This project had the added advantage of enabling students to demonstrate and recognize skills, which may otherwise not have been evidenced through their teaching and learning, Such as, Commitment (effort) Communication (though collaborative working) Problem solving (working with constraints) Numeracy (working to a budget/ fundraising) Organisation (logistics)

8 Student quotes In a way projects like the internal show give you a creative and professional experience that increases networking skills as you are working with outside clients to realise your vision as well as working in a team to make group decisions and delegate tasks. Level 6 fashion student 2015

9 Independent learning Project delivered by supported independent learning As the project was un-assessed students found the project totally unthreatening and became engaged with the whole process, less able students (as demonstrated by marks on the BA course) were able to demonstrate outstanding talent.

10 Student quote Taking part in an un-assessed project definitely builds up your confidence and adds to various skillsets. Level 6 fashion student 2015

11 Definition of Independent learning Philip Candy, (1991), quotes Forster (1972) to define independent learning, 1‘Independent study is a process, a method and a philosophy of education: in which a student acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts and develops the ability for inquiry and critical evaluation; 2 it includes freedom of choice in determining those objectives, within the limits of a given project or program and with the aid of a faculty adviser; 3 it requires freedom of process to carry out the objectives; 4 it places increased educational responsibility on the student for the achieving of objectives and for the the goals’.

12 summary This definition clearly places the responsibility for learning in higher education on students, aided by teaching staff and defined by the limits and objectives of the program

13 Chris Parr quotes Laura Bellingham from the Q.A.A in his article ‘Experiential enterprise : can-do students need hands on teaching ‘ today’s graduates need to be able to think on their feet and develop a can do confidence’ ‘ graduates will require skills in enterprise in order to compete in a changing job market or to create self-employment opportunities’

14 Tutor benefits Working together on a joint practical goal Able to comment on un-assessed activities (useful for references; aiding further education and employment opportunities on graduation) No additional assessment commitments Empowering less able students Promoting a community of practice Enabling students to work collaboratively and develop an extended network

15 Student benefits Very visible platform to showcase independent learning Able to demonstrate and develop experiential skills (useful for industry) Broaden knowledge of the ‘fashion business’ outside of design Build a network of contacts No risk to academic achievement.

16 Student comment Working on un-assessed projects in my experience is collaborative across many specialisms which has been really interesting to see how other people channel their creativity and how different specialisms can be combined. Level 6 fashion student 2015

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