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5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

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1 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Expectation: G1.2.5: Solve multi-step problems and construct proofs about the properties of medians, altitudes and perpendicular bisectors to the sides of a triangle and the angle bisectors of a triangle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

2 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
You have a piece of string 120 cm long. What is the area of the largest square you can enclose? 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

3 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
What is the length of the hypotenuse of the isosceles triangle below? 20 40 800 20√2 40√2 20 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

4 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Median of a Triangle Defn: Median of a Triangle: A segment is a median of a triangle iff one endpoint is a vertex of the triangle and the other endpoint is the midpoint of the side opposite that vertex. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

5 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Medians of a Triangle Every triangle has 3 medians. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

6 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Medians of a Triangle Every triangle has 3 medians. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

7 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Medians of a Triangle Every triangle has 3 medians. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

8 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Centroids The medians of a triangle will always intersect at the same point - the centroid. The centroid of a triangle is located 2/3 of the distance from the vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

9 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Centroid centroid 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

10 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Centroid 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

11 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Points U, V, and W are the midpoints of YZ, XZ and XY respectively. Find a, b, and c. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

12 Perpendicular Bisectors of a Triangle
Defn: Perpendicular Bisector of a Triangle: A segment is a perpendicular bisector of a triangle iff it is the perpendicular bisector of a side of the triangle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

13 Perpendicular Bisectors of a Triangle
Every triangle has 3 perpendicular bisectors. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

14 Perpendicular Bisectors of a Triangle
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15 Perpendicular Bisectors of a Triangle
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16 Perpendicular Bisectors of a Triangle
4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

17 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
The 3 perpendicular bisectors of any triangle will intersect at a point that is equidistant from the vertices of the triangle. This point is called the circumcenter and is the center of a circle that contains all 3 vertices of the triangle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

18 Perpendicular Bisector Theorem
A point lies on the perpendicular bisector of a segment iff it is equidistant from the endpoints of the segment. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

19 Perpendicular Bisector Theorem
If AC = BC, then C A B C is on the perpendicular bisector of AB. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

20 Perpendicular Bisector Theorem
If l is the perpendicular bisector of AB, then AC = BC and AD = BD. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

21 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Lines s, t, and u are perpendicular bisectors of ∆FGH and meet at J. If JG = 4x + 3, JH = 2y - 3, JF = 7 and HI = 3z - 4, find x, y, and z. t H s u G I J 1 1 F 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

22 Altitudes of Triangles
Defn: Altitude of a Triangle: A segment is an altitude of a triangle iff one endpoint is a vertex of the triangle and the other endpoint is on the line containing the opposite side such that the segment is perpendicular to line. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

23 Altitudes of Triangles
Every triangle has 3 altitudes that will always intersect in the same point. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

24 Altitudes of Triangles
If the triangle is acute, then the altitudes are all in the interior of the triangle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

25 Altitudes of Triangles
If the triangle is a right triangle, then one altitude is in the interior and the other 2 altitudes are the legs of the triangle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

26 Altitudes of Triangles
If the triangle is an obtuse triangle, then one altitude is in the interior and the other 2 altitudes are in the exterior of the triangle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

27 Altitudes of Triangles
4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

28 ZC is an altitude, m∠CYW = 9x + 38 and m∠WZC = 17x. Find m∠WZC.
4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

29 Angle Bisectors of Triangles
Defn: Angle Bisector of a Triangle: A segment is an angle bisector of a triangle iff one endpoint is a vertex of the triangle and the other endpoint is any other point on the triangle such that the segment bisects an angle of the triangle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

30 Angle Bisectors of Triangles
Every triangle has 3 angle bisectors which will always intersect in the same point - the incenter. The incenter is the same distance from all 3 sides of the triangle. The incenter of a triangle is also the center of a circle that will intersect each side of the triangle in exactly one point. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

31 Angle Bisectors of Triangles
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32 Angle Bisectors of Triangles
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33 Angle Bisectors of Triangles
4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

34 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
RU is an angle bisector, m∠RTU = 13x – 24, m∠TRS = 12x – 34 and m∠RUS = 92. Determine m∠RSU. Is RU ⊥ TS? R S T U 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

35 Angle Bisector Theorem
If a point lies on the bisector of an angle, then the point is equidistant from the sides of the angle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

36 Angle Bisector Theorem
If D is on the bisector of ∠ABC, then X D B Y C DX = DY. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

37 Angle Bisector Converse Theorem
If a point is in the interior of an angle and is equidistant from the sides of the angle, then the point lies on the bisector of the angle. 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

38 Angle Bisector Converse Theorem
X If WX = WY, then W is on the bisector of ∠XYZ. W Y Z 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

39 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
In ΔABC below, AB ≅ BC and AD bisects ∠BAC. If the length of BD is 3(x + 2) units and BC = 42 units, what is the value of x? 5 6 12 13 A C D B 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

40 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles
Assignment Worksheet 5-1 4/25/2017 5-1: Special Segments in Triangles

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