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Chapter 15.2-pages 458-461. What is the composition of matter? Matter Pure Matter Substance Impure Matter Mixture only 1 set of chemical and physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15.2-pages 458-461. What is the composition of matter? Matter Pure Matter Substance Impure Matter Mixture only 1 set of chemical and physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15.2-pages 458-461

2 What is the composition of matter? Matter Pure Matter Substance Impure Matter Mixture only 1 set of chemical and physical properties Each substance in the mixture retains its own set of chemical and physical properties

3  Identify a substance by its properties  Compare and contrast chemical and physical properties  Identify multiple physical and chemical properties of common objects

4 1. How does matter change chemically or physically? 2. How does matter make up the world around us? And how can it be changed to make new substances? 3. How does an object’s properties help identify what the object is?

5  Atom  Physical property  Chemical property

6  What is an atom?  What are the two characteristics of Mr. W?  All matter is composed of atoms  Smallest particle of an element that still retains the properties of the element ▪ (H, Cl, O)  Matter is identified by its characteristics.  A physical property is any characteristics of a material that you can observe without changing the identity of the substance  Peanut? Describe it…

7  What do you notice?  Using your senses…  Examples of physical properties include: 1. Appearance 1.Through observation 1.Like? 2.Measurements 2. Behaviors 1.Magnetism 2.Malleability 3.Ductility 4.Viscosity 5.Boiling points/melting points

8  Colour  Smell  Boiling Point  Freezing Point  Melting Point  Density  Viscosity  Texture  Solubility  Buoyancy  Mass  Volume  Length  Shape  Lustre  Hardness  Taste  State  Attraction to Magnets

9  Try this one out for size:  List 5 physical properties.

10  What does chemical mean?  What are some examples of chemical and physical changes?  A chemical property is a characteristic of a substance that indicates whether it will undergo a chemical change (become something NEW)  Think ABILITY TO…  Flammability  Combustibility  Bleaching agent  Able to rust

11  A chemical property is a characteristic that cannot be observed without altering the substance.  You must DO something to it- ability to undergo a change that alters the identity Examples  Ability to burn  Ability to change smell  Ability to change color  Ability to give off gas or bubbles without a temperature change  Ability to rust

12 Burn (can you think of examples?) Rust


14 1. How can we describe matter chemically and physically? 2. How does matter make up the world around us? And how can it be changed to make new substances?

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