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Succession Planning Working for the Long Term Success of Your Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Succession Planning Working for the Long Term Success of Your Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Succession Planning Working for the Long Term Success of Your Program

2 GOALS Recognize the Obastacles to Succession Planning Share Tools for Identifying and Training New Leaders Create a Plan & Begin its Execution


4 Succession Planning: Preparing for New Leadership to Run the Program


6 Motivation for this Work Our Faith Religious, Humanist & Everything in between Benefits for Us Learn a Skill Gain Work Experience Feels Good/Self Worth Dream Job/ Passion Gift of the Opportunity Gratitude/ Giving Back Overcome Powerlessness/ owning our power

7 Knowing and Sharing Our Passion will Attract Others to Live Our Their Passions



10 Preparing for the Future

11 * Clarity * Intentionality * Follow Through Pray/ Meditate/ Positive Thoughts Your Work is Important, You want it to succeed YOU MUST OVERCOME THE OBSTACLES




15 Prepare to Turn Things Over

16 List of things to do Create Job Descriptions for the various positions, roles, tasks (ask folks to write their own) Label everything Check Lists tasks that get done regularly: keep one in a file and one that you write on as you find better ways of doing things or greater clarity in the steps required Write down the instructions for how to do things if it is a process Clean out, organize and label spaces Keep a Binder or File on the Computer (backed up) with important notes about how to do things, deadlines, contacts: no matter how sloppy your notes seem it is better than no notes at all


18 Finding Prospects

19 Pluses and minuses of asking the same people over and over again Get them to help you recruit others, meet with you to plan, help you prepare for change, check in for accountability, follow up & problem solving

20 Broaden Your Network MAPPING EXERCISE

21 Where do we Find New Volunteers?  Map your community, what organizations, businesses, institutions exist that might be interested in what you are doing?  Schedule a brief meeting with the community liaison, community affairs person at these organizations  Interview a person at church who you don’t know well  Go to schools and offer an opportunity for H.S. and College students to do an unpaid/ very part- time internship

22 Agenda What do they do? How do they do it? Why do they do it? What you do (making the connections along the way)? Why you do it (making the connections along the way)? You need: more clients, volunteers, exposure, money, participation, for them to come to an event a meeting How can you support their work? Leave them with a one page description of your program with key information: what, when, where, who (brochure? Business card?)


24 Working with New People

25 Schedule them to come in and plan to spend some time providing an overview (15 minutes) Have them Shadow you, help you, do things with you: IF AT ALL POSSIBLE NEVER DO ANYTHING BY YOURSELF Ask them to write notes about what you did, how you did it (creating their own job description, check list, that can be worked on later, or can help to update the one you have in your file) Keep a Running List of Things that Need to be Done and ask for volunteers to do these one-time (or 2X) activities while you are in the office working on other things All the prepare to turn things over Parts of the work you need done for a time sensitive project or special event Cleaning, labeling, organizing

26 You and Your Colleagues Caring for your most important Resources

27 Taking care of your most important resource and tool: your relationships with others Remember to take care of yourself: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual Remember to thank people for the ways they support you Verbal after a job done with specifics about why that was so helpful Thank you notes to community leaders that attended your event Thank you notes to funders (should arrive before the check clears) Your Contacts: Make lists, update lists, annotate lists CALL AND CHECK IN WITH PEOPLE WHEN YOU DON’T NEED ANYTHING

28 When hiring a new leader (your successor, the new director) Try to have some overlap time so they can see what you do first hand and get oriented in real time Take with you to meet key funders and collaborators Orient to the local leaders: organizational directors, politicians, social service agencies, government resource people Put together a cheat sheet of important deadlines, especially for funding

29 Planning

30 1-2 Things you are going to do that you have never done before (schedule them) if you have enough time, do some planning about them: who do you want to go with you, what do you need to do to prepare, when can you do that?

31 Q & A, Announcements &

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