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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 DGP Hero’s Journey/ Archetypes Gilgamesh/ Iliad Medieval.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 DGP Hero’s Journey/ Archetypes Gilgamesh/ Iliad Medieval Lit/ Oedipus Inferno/ Definition Paper

2 I am completing my math homework. The tense of the word “completing”

3 present

4 He becomes scared when he thinks about that movie. The part of speech of “becomes”

5 Linking verb

6 The part of speech of “Because.”

7 Subordinating conjunction

8 Because my team won the game, I was happy. The part of speech of “Because.”

9 Subordinating conjunction

10 Last night we ate pizza, my favorite meal. The number of clauses in this sentence.

11 One

12 The hero moves into a world of darkness

13 Belly of the Whale

14 The hero recognizes the “big picture.”

15 apotheosis

16 A descent from a high to low state of being

17 Fall from Grace

18 The world may have to come to retrieve the hero.

19 Rescue From Without

20 The character’s public punishment relieves others of a curse or consequences.

21 Scapegoat

22 Gilgamesh’s call to adventure

23 Death of Enkidu

24 In Book I of the Iliad, the intervention of the gods in human affairs is first represented by this

25 plague

26 “This, too, was the work of Gilgamesh, the king, who knew countries of the world. He was wise, he saw mysteries, and knew secret things.” Which stage of the hero’s journey does this quote represent?

27 Master of Two Worlds

28 “But if you wish, come and put it to the test; only prevail against sleep for six days and seven nights.” This quote represents which stage of the hero’s journey?

29 Encounter with Temptation

30 Achilles defiles Hector’s corpse for this reason.

31 To get revenge for Patroclus’ death.

32 The mouthpiece of Apollo

33 Tiresius

34 Roland is a vassal to this character

35 King Charlemagne

36 This character sets in motion the plan to kill Siegfried.

37 Brunhild

38 The change from being wild to being civilized is symbolized in what item from “The Lay of the Werewolf?”

39 Clothes

40 The voice of reason in Oedipus the King is…

41 The Chorus

42 It is the irony of Satan’s situation

43 The beating of his wings freezes him in place

44 A thesis statement is composed of these.

45 A combining of the topic sentences of the body paragraphs

46 Francesca says it was the pander in her love affair with Paolo

47 The story of lancelot

48 Support and Elaboration are other words for…

49 Details and Examples

50 It symbolizes divine wisdom and power in Canto I

51 The sun

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