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Spot 5 Take 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Frank Martin Seifert EO Science and Applications Division ESA Earth Observation Programmes GFOI/GOFC-GOLD.

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Presentation on theme: "Spot 5 Take 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Frank Martin Seifert EO Science and Applications Division ESA Earth Observation Programmes GFOI/GOFC-GOLD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spot 5 Take 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Frank Martin Seifert EO Science and Applications Division ESA Earth Observation Programmes GFOI/GOFC-GOLD Expert WS | 1 October 2014 | Wageningen

2 Background Spot-5 will deorbit in Q2/Q3 2015 CNES has proposed to repeat the Take5 R&D activity with the Spot 5 satellite. The first 'Spot4/Take5' was done in early 2013 and consisted in lowering the Spot-4 satellite to put it in a 5- days repeat mode, similar to Sentinel-2A/B. ESA decided to support a 'Spot5/Take5’ experiment in 2015 within the mandate of the Earthnet Third Party Mission Program (TBC by PBEO) A feasibility study for sites needs to be done before year end by CNES, in order to prepare the orbit change end of Q1/2015 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

3 Simulated Sentinel-2 Time Series (in partnership with Take 5 initiative of CNES/CESBIO) 14 ESA sites, globally distributed with international partners Multi-sensor & multi-temporal data set (February-June 2013) Forest Marine Agriculture Wetlands

4 Forestry: Multi-temporal Methods Multi-temporal experiment will look specifically on methods to: 1.Reduce effects of clouds and cloud shadows by multi- temporal pixel mosaicking in cloud persistent areas 2.Provide early warning of deforestation and detection of forest degradation based on frequent change detection 290 km 10 meters resolution RapidEye over Congo

5 Combined SPOT 4 & RE Coverage 98% of the area covered by 3 images or more Gabon test site

6 Experiment benefits cover a larger part of the vegetation period in the Northern hemisphere (1. April to 31. August 2015 - with Spot-4 it was January to June 2013 assuming a 5-day revisit over 5 months, thus resulting 30- 35 images per site have an improved data quality, with a variety of modes wrt Spot4/Take5 (10m, likely 5m TBC, 2.5m excluded) have a much higher number of sites that could be acquired, however a conflict-free plan has to be agreed based on a mission study executed with CNES before year’s end; The main restriction for the number of sites are the production cost for each product in addition to the funding of the experiment ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

7 Next Steps Prepare a list: name, coordinate or kml/shape, number of spot products required to cover once, purpose, in-situ data, application relevant for multi-temporal? – at the end of this workshop (3 Oct)  Priority for processing: 1 = top priority, 2 = backup, 3 = you might have funds for processing ESA / CNES will contact international partners like other space agencies and international initiatives e.g. GFOI, GEOGLAM, JECAM ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use

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