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Unit 1 - Red Vocab Review Improving Vocab

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1 Unit 1 - Red Vocab Review Improving Vocab

2 acclaim Gr eat praise; approval

3 adjacent Close; near to something

4 elicit To draw forth

5 engross To hold the attention of; absorb

6 escalate To increase or intensify

7 exploit To use selfishly; take advantage of

8 methodical Orderly; systematic

9 obsolete No longer active or in use; out of date

10 tangible able to be touched; having form and matter

11 terminate To stop; bring to an end

12 absolve To find innocent

13 adamant Not giving in; stubborn

14 amiable Good natured; friendly; pleasant

15 amoral Lacking a moral sense; without principles

16 animosity Bitter hate or hostility

17 antagonist an opponent; one who opposes or competes against others

18 eccentric Odd; differing from what is customary or normal

19 encounter To meet unexpectedly; come upon

20 epitome A perfect or typical example of a general type or quality; the best

21 malign To make evil and untrue statements about; speak evil of

22 deter To prevent or discourage from doing something

23 implication An idea that is communicated indirectly through a suggestion or hint

24 inequity Time, beat Injsutice; unfairness

25 infirmity A physical weakness or defect; ailment Time, beat

26 infringe To intrude or trespass on; to go beyond the limits of what is considered proper

27 innovation A new custom, method, or invention; something newly introduced

28 revitalize To renew the strength and energy of; restore to active condition

29 sparse distributed thinly; not thick or crowded

30 subjective Based on personal opinion, feelings, and attitudes; not objective

31 succinct Expressed clearly in a few words; to the point; concise

32 ann, enn year

33 Audi; audio Hearing; sound

34 cycl; cyclo circle

35 hood State or condition of

36 hyper- more than normal; overly

37 - ly in a certain manner

38 non- Not; the opposite of

39 path; -pathy feeling; suffering

40 pend to hang

41 quart; quandr- Four; fourth

42 allusion an indirect reference; reference to other literature

43 altruistic Unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others; generous; unselfish

44 appease To calm, especially by giving in to the demands of

45 arbitrary Determined by personal judgment, not rule or reason; based on impulse

46 assail To attack physically or verbally

47 banal Lacking orginality; overused; commonplace; cliche

48 euphemism A mild or vague term used as a substitute for a term considered offensive or unpleasant

49 mercenary Motivated only by financial gain; greedy

50 syndrome A group of symptoms typical of a specific disease or condition

51 taint To stain the honor of someone or something

52 curt Rudely brief when speaking to others

53 demoralize to lower the spirits of; weaken the confidence of

54 dilemma a situation requiring a difficult choice

55 inclination A tendency to think, act, or behave in a certain way

56 irate very angry

57 retort To reply, especially in a quick, sharp, or witty way

58 sabotage To deliberately destroy or damage

59 subsequent following, in time or order; next; later

60 wary cautious; on guard

61 zeal enthusiastic devotion; intense enthusiasm

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