“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order to learn how to do it.” - Pablo Picasso.

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Presentation on theme: "“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order to learn how to do it.” - Pablo Picasso."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order to learn how to do it.” - Pablo Picasso

2 Ceremonial Artworks created to support worship ceremonies (rituals and celebrations). Artworks to express or communicate emotions, ideas, feelings, or to decorate objects. Artworks that tell stories, describe and illustrate experiences, communicate information, or document historical events. Artistic objects used in everyday life Artworks that promote ideas, philosophies, or products. Purposes of ART TheThe

3 MEDIUM The materials used for creating artworks

4 MEDIA A technique involving the use of two or more artistic media that are combined in a single artwork. When you use two or more artistic media your work falls under the MIXED MEDIA category.

5 SUBJECT MATTER The objects represented in the artwork. It can be… REPRESENTATIONAL Clearly represents a specific subject ABSTRACT Taking a subject matter and breaking it down into shapes, lines, colors, and textures. NON OBJECTIVE No recognizable subject matter. Only line, shape, and colors are used.




9 It has a height, width, and actual depth Two-dimensional media Has a height and width and implied depth. These are “flat” art pieces such as drawings and paintings. Three-dimensional media Examples: Sculptures, Ceramics and Pottery.

10 What are two capacities of a medium that an artist should understand? 1.What can be done with the medium 2.How far it can be taken to support the artist purpose.

11 When analyzing a work of art, a good relationship of what three things should be looked for? A good relationship between MEDIUM, SUBJECT and EXPRESSION of IDEAS ( purpose )

12 TWO DIMENSIONAL Art Processes Have a height and width but no real depth. The depth is IMPLIED.

13 TWO DIMENSIONAL ART PROCESSES 1.DRAWING 2.PAINTING 3.PRINTMAKING 4.PHOTOGRAPHY 5.GRAPHIC DESIGN 6.MIXED MEDIA A complex operation involving a number of methods or techniques

14 With every medium, there are a variety of techniques used to work with that medium. Technique Any method of working with art materials to produce an art object.

15 DRAWING MEDIA Graphite Pencil Charcoal Pen and Ink Coloring Pencils Chalk Pastel Oil Pastel


17 OPAQUE - You cannot see though it. (rich color) PAINTING MEDIA

18 TRANSLUCENT/SEMI TRANSPARENT You can almost see through it. (light, subtle color) PAINTING MEDIA

19 Acrylic Oil Tempera Watercolor

20 IMPASTO (technique) Thickly applied paint that does not try to appear smooth.

21 PRINTMAKING Like drawings, prints are produced on paper, but prints can be produced several times by using a PLATE. PRINTING PLATE the surface on which the picture or design is made. To produce a print, a piece of paper is pressed against an inked plate. This process can be repeated many times, making many prints from one image.

22 PRINTMAKING Techniques Relief Silkscreen Lithography Intaglio

23 PHOTOGRAPHY Photographs are taken with cameras and produce a print that can be printed multiple times.

24 PHOTOGRAPHY What emotions do you feel when you look at this photograph?

25 PHOTOGRAPHY Do those emotions change when you view the photo in color? If so, how?


27 Shoot (take a picture) in black and white when you want to emphasize deep emotions and bring out texture.

28 GRAPHIC DESIGN Using image editing software, such as Photoshop, Lightroom & Illustrator, to edit photographs and make custom imagery.





33 http://www.insidethemagic.net/2011/03/photo-archive- latest-in-the-annie-leibovitz-disney-dream-portrait-series- capturing-celebrities-as-colorful-disney-characters/

34 TWO Dimensional Media MIXED MEDIA- using two or more art mediums in an artwork. COLLAGE - fragments of 2D materials pasted on a flat surface. MONTAGE - a collage made of ONLY photographs or other pictures.



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