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Skeletal System Part I Biology 2121.

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1 Skeletal System Part I Biology 2121

2 Skeletal System Functions Axial vs. Appendicular Number of Bones
1. Support 2. Mineral and Lipid storage 3. Hematopoiesis 4. Protection 5. Leverage

3 Introduction Bone Shapes Structural Types 1. Long 2. Short 3. Flat
4. Irregular 5. Sutural 6. Sesamoid Structural Types 1. Compact 2. Spongy

4 Structural Characteristics of Bone
Structure of a Long Bone Diaphysis – ”shaft” medullary cavity Epiphyses distal and proximal Metaphyses Cartilage Articulating surface Hyaline cartilage Periosteium Covers compact bone Endosteum Medullary cavity membrane

5 Histology of Compact Bone Tissue
Osteons – Haversian Units Central (Haversian canal) Lamellae Osteocytes in ‘lacunae’ Perforating Canals Periosteal arteries Canaliculi Other Cell Types Osteogenic Osteoblasts Osteoclast cells

6 Matrix of Bone Calcium salts interact to form hydroxyapaptite crystals
Calcium phosphate + calcium hydroxide Calcium carbonate is added along with ions (sodium, magnesium, etc.) Collagen fibers give bone flexibility

7 How Does Spongy Bone Histology differ from Compact Bone?
1. Do not contain osteons. 2. Lamellae – irregular arrangement Trabeculae 3. Light 4. Support and protects red bone marrow Location Short, flat and irregular bone Location of Red Marrow Hips, ribs, breastbone, vertebrae, epiphysis of long bones

8 How do Bones Form? Bones begin their formation during embryonic development Ossification vs. calcification Two methods of bone formation: 1. Intramembranous Ossification 2. Endochondral Ossification

9 Intramembranous Ossification
Osteoblasts differentiate in mesenchymal fibrous connective tissue ‘Dermal ossification’ Dermal bones formed Examples: flat bones of skull; mandible; clavicle

10 Endochondrial Ossification
A cartilage model is replaced by bone. Six-Eight weeks bones are made of cartilage Cartilage continues to expand (interstitial growth) and new cartilage develops at outer surface (appositional growth) Role of osteoclast cells Ossification centers

11 Endochondrial Ossification

12 Abnormal Bone Growth Gigantism Dwarfism GH overproduced in puberity
Acromegaly Post-puberity (bones thicken) Dwarfism Pituitary growth failure

13 What is needed to allow for normal bone growth and repair?
Diet Calcium and phosphate Homones Calcitriol - from vitamin D Growth Hormone Estrogen – females Androgens – males Vitamins D, A, K and B12

14 Homeostatic Control Two hormones must be balanced: Homeostatic Control
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Calcitonin Homeostatic Control Effects of PTH – counteracts low calcium levels Stimulates osteoclast activity Increases intestinal absorption of calcium ions Decreases rate of calcium Effects of calcitonin – counteracts high calcium levels Inhibits osteoclast activity Increases rate of excretion of calcium ions Calcium Reserves

15 Calcium Homeostasis

16 Consequences of Calcium Imbalances
Osteopenia is a natural process Reduction in bone mass – osteoporosis Risk Factors Sex-hormones Smoking Other

17 Bad Breaks, Repair and Remodeling
Fractures Compound vs. Simple Stress Fractures Repair Blood clot (hematoma) forms Internal and external callus eventually replaced by bone. Remodeling Bone constantly removed and replaced Young: 1/5th replaced every year Spongy bone replaced faster, more often

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