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 By: Fabienne Kelm, Izenia Sarabia, & Avery Nelson.

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1  By: Fabienne Kelm, Izenia Sarabia, & Avery Nelson

2  Galileo discovered Venus in 1610  The name came from the Roman goddess of love and beauty  It is the 2 nd planet from the sun Picture of Venus in the sky

3  Diameter is 12,100 km  243 days on Venus= 1 earth day  Venus has 0 moons  It takes 244.7 earth days to orbit the sun  It is 108,208,930 km from the sun  It is made of central iron core and rocky mantle  Venus has a very thick atmosphere, probably because it rotates slowly.  The surface is very hot and dry with many plains  It is so bright that it cast shadows down on earth

4 There is no water on Venus On average the temperature on Venus is 460 degrees Celsius The Venera 8 and Venera 7 have visited this planet It is earth’s twin It rotates backwards There is a spacecraft there now! Another picture of Venus

5  Christian Huygans discovered Mars in 1659  Its name came from the Roman god of war  It is the 4 th planet from the sun This is what Mars looks like

6  The diameter of Mars is 6,794  It takes 24 hours 37 minutes and 35 seconds to equal 1 day on earth  Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos  Earth’s moon is larger than both of Mars’ moons combined  Deimos can be as bright as Venus on some nights  1.88 earth years equals 1 mars year  It is about 288 million km away from the sun  Mars mainly made up of iron and sulfur  The radiation of mars helps retain heat on the surface.

7  Mars’ surface is dry with a lot of old volcanoes  The water on mars in polar ice caps  The average temperature on mars is about -50 degrees  Some of the satellites on mars is the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity and the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity  Phobos has such a low altitude that it will eventually crash in mars  Asteroids hit mars causing pieces of mars to shoot down to earth A picture of the rover on mars

8 Pictures all came from

9 Venus We picked Venus because we were intrigued in it’s nickname, the near- twin of earth. We learned a lot about Venus, from it’s average temperature, 460 degrees Celsius, to how many space crafts have visited it. We would like to visit Venus because we would like to see what it’s like to go through a night without a moon and see how it feels to rotate backwards. Made up of a central iron core and a rocky mantle, Venus is known to be our near- twin. It is also very bright, bright enough to cast shadows. This can help with solar power, which would make it easier to live there. So, yes we would like to live on planet Venus. Mars We picked Mars because we wanted to learn more about the red and why so many space crafts have gone there. Mars has an average temperature of -50 degrees and its two moons are smaller than Earths moon combined. Mars was discovered by Galileo in 1610, and has been visited by 5 satellites since then. We would like to visit mars because we would like to see what it is like to have twice the number of moons as us and to see the rovers on it. We would want to live on Mars to experience being on a planet that so many human beings have looked at and wondered what it is. So, yes living on Mars would be a great accomplishment and we would like to do so.

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