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Milestones in Crystallography and Drug Design

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1 Milestones in Crystallography and Drug Design
1. Determination of molecular structures by X-ray diffraction of crystals 2. Development of user-friendly computers 3. Their convergence to DRUG DESIGN Jenny P. Glusker Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, PA USA

2 Seeing molecules Electron microscopy X-ray diffraction of crystals

3 Early milestones in structure analysis
1. Discovery of X rays 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Nobel Prize (physics) 1901 Nature 53, 274 (1896) 2. Diffraction of X rays 1912 Max Theodor Felix von Laue Nobel Prize (physics) 1914 Sitzungsber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Munchen p (1912) 3. Structure determination 1913 William Henry Bragg & William Lawrence Bragg Nobel Prize (physics) 1915 Proc. Roy. Soc. A89, 248 (1913)

4 Early X-ray photograph (Röntgen, 1895)

5 Diffraction by a sieve and a crystalline virus
1958 Diffraction by a sieve and a crystalline virus photograph of a point source of light taken through a sieve tobacco necrosis virus crystal courtesy R.W.G. Wyckoff

6 The first X-ray diffraction photographs of crystals
1912 The first X-ray diffraction photographs of crystals (Friedrich and Knipping, 1912)

7 Apparatus for X-ray diffraction
crystal detection system source of X rays

8 Sodium chloride structure
1913 Sodium chloride structure W. L. Bragg. Proc. Roy. Soc. A89, 248 (1913)

9 Sodium and potassium chlorides
1913 Sodium and potassium chlorides KCl NaCl KCl has larger unit cell than NaCl, therefore diffraction lines are closer for KCl

10 Electron-density maps and phases

11 Information from X-ray diffraction
1. Angles of diffracted beams give the unit-cell dimensions 2. Orders of diffraction (h,k,l) give the periodicities of the electron-density waves 3. Intensities of diffracted beams give amplitudes of electron-density waves and can lead to atomic positions if the PHASE PROBLEM can be solved

12 1930

13 Patterson function potassium dihydrogen phosphate
1930 Patterson function potassium dihydrogen phosphate

14 1931 1931

15 1931

16 1934

17 1936

18 1930

19 Steroid structure (Bernal)
1932 Steroid structure (Bernal) Wieland and Windaus formulae Bernal, Rosenheim King formula Wieland, Dane formula (also crystal structure)

20 Absolute configuration J.M. Bijvoet Nature 168, 271 (1951)

21 Absolute configuration J. M. Bijvoet
1951 Absolute configuration J. M. Bijvoet

22 Penicillin chemical formula
1949 Penicillin chemical formula b-lactam oxazolone

23 Penicillin Penicillin G in penicillin acylase
1FXV Protein Eng. 13, 857 (2000) and 1GM7 J. Mol. Biol. 313, 139 (2001)

24 Morphine 1955 MORPHI Mackay & Hodgkin J.Chem. Soc. 3261 (1955)
MORPHM Bye Acta Chem. Scand. B30, 549 (1976)

25 Computing of the time 1960 Cosine function, Beevers-Lipson
strip and IBM punched card Patterson projection of whale myoglobin Cambridge EDSAC 2 Computer 1960

26 Direct methods

27 Electron-density maps and phases

28 Hexamethylbenzene 1928 h k l 7 -3 0 3 4 0 4 -7 0 intense (triplet)
K. Lonsdale. Nature 122, 810 (1928)

29 Vitamin B12 coenzyme structure
Hodgkin. Nature 176, 325 (1955),

30 1955 Vitamin B12 coenzyme Hodgkin. Nature 176, 325 (1955), Proc. Roy. Soc. A303, 45 (1968)

31 1953 B DNA fibers

32 1960 Myoglobin Kendrew and co-workers Nature 185, 422 (1960)

33 1985 Cytochrome P450 Biochem. 26, 8165 (1987)

34 Lysozyme with polysaccharide
1966 Lysozyme with polysaccharide Sci. Amer. 215, 75 (1966)

35 Dihydrofolate reductase
1977 Dihydrofolate reductase A substrate analogue does not always bind in the same way as the substrate Science 197, 452 (1977)

36 1946 Transition states A enzyme lowers the energy barriers of a reaction by preferentially stabilizing the transition state of the substrate during the reaction rather than the ground state of that substrate Linus Pauling, C&E News 24, 1375 (1946)

37 Intermolecular interactions
1977 Intermolecular interactions Rosenfield JACS (1977)

38 Intermolecular interactions
1984 Intermolecular interactions Murray-Rust JACS 106, 1018 (1984)

39 1976 DNA interactions Seeman PNAS 73, 804 (1976)

40 Following reactions Burgi, Dunitz, Shefter
1973 Following reactions Burgi, Dunitz, Shefter Burgi, Dunitz Shefter JACS 95, 5065 (1973)

41 Following reactions Laue method (Nature 329, 178 (1987)

42 Homology modeling b-secretase
2000 Homology modeling b-secretase Wild-type beta secretase Swedish mutant (better substrate) Dunbrack, J. Mol. Biol. 300, 241 (2000)

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