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高中基础 (2299 期 20151208) 头版 Getting Sick on the “Train”

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1 高中基础 (2299 期 20151208) 头版 Getting Sick on the “Train”

2 How much time do you spend on homework every day? Aside from doing homework, what do you usually do after school? How much time do you spend on homework every day? Aside from doing homework, what do you usually do after school? Do you think students should be given less homework than usual when they are sick? Why or why not? Do you think students should be given less homework than usual when they are sick? Why or why not? 2 Pre-reading

3 Scan the article and fill in each of the following blanks WITH NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. 3 SCAN AND ANSWER 1. In the special study area in the Wuhan hospital, young patients can _______________________ and __________________________. 2. In traditional educational systems, students are usually under great pressure to keep up with __________, ___________, __________ and __________. 3. “Personalized learning” focuses more on _________________, allowing students to have more control over _________________. Pre-reading receive IV treatment projects homework essays do their homework tests individual needs their education

4 4 rush v. 迅速移动 WORD BANK As the information rushes by outside the windows, students have to absorb as much of it as they can, and no accommodation is made for those who can’t keep up. While reading absorb v. 吸收 keep up 跟上 make accommodation for sb. 为 …… 提供便利

5 5 The hospital had set aside a study area for the students in response to parental concerns that their sick children were falling behind in their schoolwork. WORD BANK While reading parental adj. 父母的 fall behind 落下 concern n. 担心,忧虑 in response to 作为对 …… 的回应 set aside 省出,留出(空间等)

6 6 Personalized learning involves teachers adapting the way students are taught and the things they are taught so that each student can learn at his or her own pace. WORD BANK While reading involve v. 涉及 personalized adj. 个性化的,特制的 at one’s own pace 以自己的节奏 adapt v. 使适应

7 7 1. The new policies fail to ______________ the disabled. (accommodation) 2. Exercise can promote ____________ of nutrients by the body. (absorb) 3. She hoped that her ____________ at work would be appreciated. (diligently) 4. The advantage of this system is its ____________. (flexible) 5. Evolution occurs as a result of ____________ to new environments. (adapt) 6. When we move, I’d like to get a pet, ____________ a dog. (preferable) Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word. accommodate absorption diligence flexibility adaptation preferably VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading

8 8 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 这个比较便宜的型号是根据客户的要求生产的。 (in response to) 2. 汤姆开始在学习上落后于班上的其他同学。 (fall behind) 3. 他拿出了一个极好的太阳能汽车设计方案。 (come up with) This cheaper model was produced in response to customer demand. He has come up with a really good design for a solar-powered car. Tom began to fall behind the rest of the class in his studies. VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading

9 1. The hospital’s decision to set up a special study area was based on the requirements of ______. A. teachers B. parents C. children D. nurses 9 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O

10 2. In the author’s opinion, which of the four adjectives best describes China’s education system? A. Inefficient. B. Flexible. C. Advanced. D. Stressful. 10 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O

11 3. The article presented us with the ______ aspects of “personalized learning.” A. positive B. negative C. mixed D. unusual 11 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O

12 1. What are the problems that come with “personalized learning”? 12 Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION It may be hard or even impossible for a teacher to prepare a different lesson for each student when there are dozens of students in the class. Besides, students may become lazy when they are allowed to learn at their own pace.

13 2. What is the author’s attitude towards the hospital’s decision to set up a study area? 13 Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION He does not approve of the hospital’s decision. He thinks China should instead try to find a way to take some of the pressures off its students.

14 And if students are allowed to learn at their own pace, won’t they just become lazy? 14 GRAMMAR TIP Language study ☞ 此例中的后半句是一句否定问句。否定问句有两大用 处,一是陈述自己比较确信的观点,并希望得到对方的 认可。二是相对于一般的问句,用于更含蓄、客气地表 达请求或陈述自己的主观观点。 回答否定问句跟回答反意疑问句类似。表示肯定意 见用 Yes ,表示否定意见则用 No 。

15 15 Language study YOUR TURN Translate the following sentences into English. 1. —— 你可以进来一会吗? —— 可以呀! 2. 把那堵墙刷成黄色会很好看吧! 3. 你为什么不来跟我们一起吃晚饭呢? — Won’t you come in for a minute? — Yes, I will. Why won’t you come and have dinner with us? Wouldn’t it be nice to paint that wall yellow?

16 Have you ever experienced “personalized learning”? Would you like to support this new idea? Why or why not? Question for further discussion: Hints: After reading Yes, I have. Our geography teacher gives us homework on a weekly basis. I support this idea since I think it is more personalized. If I have lots of homework from other subjects the first day, I can choose to do the homework the other day as long as I can finish it by the deadline. 16

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