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Ch. 2 Photosynthesis (Ps) and Light

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1 Ch. 2 Photosynthesis (Ps) and Light

2 C4 Photosynthesis 3 patterns:
C3 Ps C4 Ps CAM Ps Minimize FFF (fatal flaws of fotosynthesis) C4 photosynthesis

3 C4 leaf anatomy Kranz anatomy (“wreath:” German):

4 C4 pathway Mesophyll fix CO2 New enzyme (PEP carboxylase)

5 C4 pathway PEP carboxylase: Why called C4 Ps?

6 C4 pathway BSC: Reaction reversed…. CO2 to Pyruvate to C shuttle!!
Calvin Cycle (Rubisco) C shuttle!!

7 C4 pathway C fixation & Ps

8 C4 pathway Advantages? FFF?

9 Fatal Flaws of Fotosynthesis!

10 C4 advantages Benefits: 1) PEP Carboxylase fix C
Photorespiration: A FFF!

11 C4 advantages Benefits: 2) CO2 concentrated bundle sheath

12 C4 advantages A FFF! Benefits: 3) Less H20 loss. Stoma C4 Good sucker?

13 C4 advantages Benefits: 4) Decrease Rubisco:
High NUE (nitrogen use efficiency): Now: CAM

14 CAM photosynthesis CAM: Crassulaceae: Acid: Leaves Diamorpha smallii

15 Leaf anatomy Succulent

16 Leaf anatomy Mesophyll Cells large: Vascular bundle sheath

17 CAM pathway Separates C fixation & Ps Separation in space: C4

18 CAM pathway Night: Stomata open CO2 fixed: Malic acid

19 CAM pathway Acid stored Leaf pH Acid drop in skateboarding

20 CAM pathway Day Stomata Reaction Ps: Calvin Cycle

21 CAM pathway Separates C fixation and Ps Night Day

22 CAM advantages 1) PEP carboxylase fixes C: photorespiration

23 CAM advantages 2) Stomata open night. Less water loss!

24 CAM advantages 3) Stomata closed day.

25 CAM variation Dependence on CAM varies Some: CAM & succulence
Aeonium arboreum Fig. 2.14 More succulence, More CAM

26 CAM variation Carbon cycling:
Ex, Welwitschia mirabilis (Namib desert S. Africa) Gymnosperm: 2 leaves! Some plants may be 1,000 yr old

27 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Taxa: most plants C4 plants: Exs: Some grasses: Sugar cane (Saccharum spp.)

28 Amaizing Facts* Corn or maize (Zea mays) *another corny Boyd joke.....

29 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Dicots: Kudzu (Pueraria montana)

30 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Typical C4 plant habitat: In temperate areas: winter/spring summer

31 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
% grass flora C4 in N. America Fig. 2.18

32 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Exs: many cacti (saguaro, cholla) Saguaro “arms”

33 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Exs: Agave species Economic use??

34 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Exs: some Crassulaceae (Diamorpha smallii)

35 CAM and Epiphytes Epiphytes: Abundant tropical rain forests

36 CAM and Epiphytes Alabama Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides)
CAM plant:

37 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Exs: many (esp. epiphytic ones)

38 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants

39 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Trait C3 C4 CAM Max. Ps rate Fig. 2.12

40 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Trait C3 C4 CAM Max. growth rate (optimal conditions)

41 Comparing C3, C4, CAM plants
Trait C3 C4 CAM Optimum Ps temperature Fig. 2.11

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