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Pre-operative Assessment Done by:- Majed Alturkistani.

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1 Pre-operative Assessment Done by:- Majed Alturkistani

2 History and Physical Indication for surgery surgical /anesthetic Hx: previous anesthetics/complications, previous intubations, medications, drug allergies PMHx CNS: seizures, stroke, raised intracranial pressure (ICP), spinal disease CVS : coronary artery disease (CAD), myocardial infarction (MI), congestive heart failure (CHF), hypertension (HTN), valvular disease, dysrhythmias, peripheral vascular disease (PVD), conditions requiring endocarditis prophylaxis, exercise tolerance, NYHA class Respiratory: smoking, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), recent upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), sleep apnea Gl: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), liver disease Renal: insufficiency, dialysis. Hematologic: anemia, coagulopathies. MSK: conditions associated with difficult intubations - arthritides (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis), cervical tumours, cervical infections/abscess, trauma to cervical spine, Down syndrome, scleroderma, obesity, conditions affecting neuromuscular junction (e.g. myasthenia gravis). Endocrine: diabetes, thyroid, adrenal disorders other: morbid obesity, pregnancy, ethanol/other drug use FHx: malignant hyperthermia. atypical

3 Functional Capacity or (METs) Defined as the ratio of metabolic rate (and therefore the rate of energy consumption) during a specific physical activity to a reference metabolic rate. 1 MET = 3.5 mL O2 uptake/KG per min O2 uptake of a 40 y/o, 70 kg male sitting upright

4 Specific Activity Scale 1. Sit upright 2.Eat, dress, use toilet, make bed 3.Walk around house, shower 4.1 flight stairs, walk up hill, 2 block @ 2mph 5.Light house work, dust, wash dishes, golf, bowl 6.2 flights of stairs, walk on flat @ 4mph, 7.Sex 8.Scrubbing floors, weight lifting, moving furniture 9.Broke the bed/neighbors called the cops sex 10.Shovel snow 11.Doubles tennis, swing dancing 12.Recreational Sports: Singles tennis, soccer, basketball, skiing, jogging 13.Competitive sports

5 Relation To Surgery < 4 METs Significantly Increases Risk MI, HF, Arrhythmia regardless of Surgical Risk Functional CapacityComplication Rate 5% 4 – 10 METs 1 – 5% > 10 Mets < 1%

6 Physical Examination Airway. Focus Clinical systemic examination. Bony land mark for regional anesthesia. General assessment for nutrition, hydration and Mental Status. Pre-existing motor or sensory deficit. Site for IV, Central or PA catheter.

7 Airway Assessment Likely hood of difficult intubation, Ability to assume sniffing position. No single test specific or sensitive Mallampati score Thyromental distance Mouth opening Tongue size Dentition

8 Mallampati Score

9 Investigation

10 Fasting Protocol 8 hours after a meal that includes meat, fried or fatty food. 6 hours after a light meal such as toast and crackers) or after ingestion of infant formula or non - human milk. 4 hours after ingestion of breast milk or jello. 2 hours after clear fluid & (water,black coffee. tea carbonated beverages,juice without pulp).

11 ASA Classification

12 Optimization by medication Medication Medication to start Aspiration \ Na citarte, Ranitidine. Infective Endocarditis \ AB. DVT Prophylaxis \ Heparine SC. Adrenal Suppression \ Steroid coverage. Anxiety \ Benzodiazpines Medication to stop Oral Hypoglycaemic + antidepressant. Medication to adjust insulin prednison, Coumadin and Bronchodialtor.

13 HTN Mild to moderate HTN —> OK Target sBP < 180 mmHg, dBP <110mmHG.

14 CAD <3 months after MI - 37% patients may re-infarct. 3-6 months after MI -15% >6 months after MI - risk remains constant at 5%.

15 Thank You

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