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GRADING AND GRADES No “curve” for this course No established distribution Two-part appeal process: – Confer with Courtney – Confer with PHS (with brief.

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Presentation on theme: "GRADING AND GRADES No “curve” for this course No established distribution Two-part appeal process: – Confer with Courtney – Confer with PHS (with brief."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRADING AND GRADES No “curve” for this course No established distribution Two-part appeal process: – Confer with Courtney – Confer with PHS (with brief written memo on reasons for your concern)

2 WHAT NOW? March 05: Study Guide for Final (to post) March 10: Optional 6-10 page paper March 12: Last class March 17: Final Exam 11:30-2:29 PET 102

3 WHAT NOW? (CONT.) Mid-term (33% of grade) Final (67% of grade) Unless optional paper (30%) 1. Course requirements include: “regular attendance at lectures/discussions…” 2. Repeat reading in preparation for final 3. Review slides from all lectures

4 STRUCTURE OF PAPER Select a broad theme (political status of women)INTRO = 2-3 pp State its significance (quality of democracy) Pose a question (eg, how and when have women advanced?) Say how you are going to answer that question – By comparing Chile and Mexico (explain choice here) – From 1990 (in Chile) and from 2000 (in Mexico) – Criteria: % women in legislatures, presidential cabinets, and presidency Perform the analysisANALY = 4-5 pp – Brief overview of the two countries – Present statistics on women – Evaluate results (what constitutes similarity and/or difference) – Are findings identical according to each criterion? – Present examples: cases of individual women (1-2 in each country) ConclusionCONCL = 2 pp – Answer your question: Does one country outperform the other? – Try to indicate why – What does this say about the quality of democracy? In these countries and in Latin America?

5 CULTURE AND THE ARTS LATI 50 Introduction to Latin America

6 ISSUES AND THEMES Freedom vs. censorship – self-censorship – exile – political content? Financial support – dangers of cooptation – state vs. private sources – alternative lines of work Scope of audience – dependent on media – national and/or international? Themes: identity or universality?

7 MEXICO: ART FOR THE MASSES The Muralists: – Diego Rivera (1886-1957) – David Siqueiros (1896-1974) – José Clemente Orozco (1883-1949) – and Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) The Writers: – Mariano Azuela (1873-1952), Los de Abajo – Carlos Fuentes (1928-2012), Death of Artemio Cruz




11 IT’S ENTERTAINMENT! TELEVISION 80-95 % now have access to TV Telenovelas popular throughout Latin America and world (e.g., “La esclava”) Major TV networks: – Globo (Brazil) – Televisa (Mexico)

12 THE USES OF FILM La historia oficial (Argentina, 1985) Y tu mamá también (Mexico, 2001) Cidade de Deus (Brazil, 2002) María llena eres de gracia (Colombia-USA, 2004)

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