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What is marine? Marine biology is the scientific study of the organisms that live in the sea Different disciplines involved overlap Geological oceanography-

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Presentation on theme: "What is marine? Marine biology is the scientific study of the organisms that live in the sea Different disciplines involved overlap Geological oceanography-"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is marine? Marine biology is the scientific study of the organisms that live in the sea Different disciplines involved overlap Geological oceanography- study sea floor Chemical oceanography- ocean chemistry Physical oceanography- waves, tides, currents

3 Why study marine bio? Life on earth probably evolved from the sea Forsee problems organisms can pose Cause disease Attacks on us/organisms we depend on Erosion of structures & damages Understand planet better Produce much oxygen we use Regulates climate Build, shape and protect shorelines Predict effects of human activities on sea life

4 Source of revenue Food Medicine Raw materials Recreation Tourism $20 Trillion/year

5 History of Marine Shipping voyages to map coastlines Take a naturalist to collect and study life forms Charles Darwin

6 The Challenger Expedition First voyage (mid 19 th century) specifically to study oceans Gathered new specimens Took 19 years to pub results, filled 50 thick vol. Organisms dead Marine labs on shores Observe live organisms

7 New Technology WWII developed sonar- sound navigation ranging Response to sub warfare Based on detection of underwater echoes

8 Scuba: Self contained underwater breathing apparatus Jacques Cousteau created apparatus to breathe compressed air For 1 st time observe organisms in natural environment

9 Marine Today ROV’s-remotely operated vehicles we control from surface Collect specimens

10 Remote sensing- study earth and ocean life from afar Bouys- move with currents, collect data Satellites picking up signals, collecting data Animal tagging- migration patterns

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