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“The Testaments”- Part 27 “A Pure Gospel”. Ephesians 1:16 I do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers;

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Presentation on theme: "“The Testaments”- Part 27 “A Pure Gospel”. Ephesians 1:16 I do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers;"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Testaments”- Part 27 “A Pure Gospel”

2 Ephesians 1:16 I do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers;

3 Ephesians 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him.

4 Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of his calling, what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance IN the saints.

5 Bro Jerry read to us that we are to labor for the food that does not perish. And then he told us the meaning of perish. Perish: Something that has gone past the time of its usefulness.

6 I Read to you where Paul said that the Perishable must put on imperishable. Imperishable: something that keeps its usefulness. It doesn’t become a thing of the past.

7 We have come to the pure gospel and understanding that we are not a twofold being but we are one. That we are not two books, Book of Life and Lamb’s Book of Life but we one Book evolving through processes.

8 That we are not two trees, Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil, but we are One Tree in evolutions process. That there are not two Spirits, two Theophanies, or Two Souls.

9 With this understanding we know there are not two births but one birth in evolution. Metaphors are not reality. We are not any of those metaphors used by Jesus or any other prophet. We want to make the metaphor US and the reality is US!

10 The ministry of evolution in this present moment is flourishing. The reason why is we have recognized the most important earthly relationship we can possibly cultivate is our relationship with ourself.

11 The Testaments went micro for a very important part of our evolution. We are finding our grass roots; our real time ministry. It has evolved into an operation of divine love flowing from within the great fountain of the Spirit. This micro ministry of the Testaments is more about living and less about dying. ~dkp~

12 A micro ministry:. Jesus with his disciples alone. Elijah to the Widow Woman. Elisha to the Leper of Damascus

13 Going micro takes away the "ego". ~Joe Gomez~ Break your limitations and boundaries, capture this moment. ~Joe Gomez~

14 The Apostolic Oneness used to carry on about Acts 2:38 until Brother Branham didn't even want to identify with them in his ministry. I keep seeing this scripture posted in the same manner:

15 I JOHN 1:5-6 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth.

16 That was a great scripture for the second testament, the church age time. Why? Because they were in a total eclipse. We know that by the prophet's message and the church age picture of the moon in total eclipse. The light and the darkness separated. It was the scripture and message to preach for that day. We left it!

17 That day is OVER. We are not in total eclipse any longer. This is the blending of time and eternity now. The twain came back together making us realize that they were really only just ONE. The Book of Life and Lamb's Book are really just ONE Book. Old creation and New creation are really just ONE creation. Love bless you all.

18 The ministry in the Testaments is a more excellent way: It's more about character and less about hierarchy. It's more about responsiveness and less about responsibility.

19 It's more about helping and less about ruling. It's more about life's lessons and less about right and wrong. It's more about micro and less about macro.

20 It's more about fellowship and communion and less about assembling ourselves. It's more about unity and being enjoined and less about separation and exclusiveness. It's more about the moment and less about time. It's more about being spontaneous and less about order.

21 It's more about being an example and modest and less about structured holiness. It's more about perfect oneness and less about equal. It's more about the sunrise and less about the sunset.

22 It's more about a new beginning and less about an old ending. The ministry in the Testaments is a more excellent way. ~dkp~

23 A ministry is not something that is done to the people or given to the people. A true ministry is what rises up in the midst of the people and begins to take direction, it leads and points the way. And it is from the grass roots up not from the hierarchy down. A ministry is evolution in the people.

24 When the hierarchy (the disciples) all took a ship and headed across the sea without Jesus they quickly found trouble. And where was Jesus seen in the midst of them? Walking upon the sea. When the hierarchy doesn't want the "present moment" Jesus in their boat, then he will raise up in the sea (the people) instead of in the boat. ~dkp~

25 The correct nature of nurturing is to help others mature into self sufficiency. When you are nurturing others if you allow them to become dependent on you, rather than self sufficient, you're really hurting them, not helping them. ~dkp~

26 We have come as a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on us shall not abide in their darkness (obscurity) towards us.

27 When we can believe in one- another it removes the condition of darkness and turns the darkness (obscurity/incomprehensibility) into enlightenment/understanding towards one-another. ~Jerry Allen~

28 People just don't understand the term darkness, which tells me they don't understand the term light either. Because darkness and light coming together is the only way we can comprehend all things. The simple "Contrast" function on the computer monitor should teach us how to handle contrast, darkness/light.

29 For me Darkness is All Knowledge and no Experience...knowledge and experience join them together is a glorious sight.. ~Sister Edna Gomez~

30 One thing for certain we will continue to progress today and forever more. As we progress things will become crystal clear on everything that we believe. If we are expected to know it all before we make a move then that wouldn't be faith. We walk by faith and not by sight.

31 Therefore the most important thing is that we keep our hearts open to the news of the Holy Spirit and not to the opinions of man trying to hold us in a past age. ~dkp~

32 “The Testaments”- Part 27 “A Pure Gospel”

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