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Cardinality with Applications to Computability Lecture 33 Section 7.5 Wed, Apr 12, 2006.

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1 Cardinality with Applications to Computability Lecture 33 Section 7.5 Wed, Apr 12, 2006

2 Cardinality of Finite Sets For finite sets, the cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set. For a finite set A, let |A| denote the cardinality of A.

3 Cardinality of Infinite Sets We wish to extend the notion of cardinality to infinite sets. Rather than talk about the “number” of elements in an infinite set, for infinite sets A and B, we will speak of the cardinality of A. A having the same cardinality as B, or A having a lesser cardinality than B, or A having a greater cardinality than B.

4 Definition of Same Cardinality Two sets A and B have the same cardinality if there exists a one-to-one correspondence from A to B. Write |A| = |B|. Note that this definition works for finite sets, too.

5 Definition of Same Cardinality Theorem: If |A| = |B| and |B| = |C|, then |A| = |C|.

6 Same Cardinality Theorem: |2 Z | = | Z |, where 2 Z represents the even integers. Proof: Define f : Z  2 Z by f(n) = 2n. Clearly, f is a one-to-one correspondence. Therefore, |2 Z | = | Z |.

7 Cardinality of Z + Theorem: | Z + | = | Z |, where Z + represents the positive integers. Proof: Define f : Z  Z + by f(n) = 2n if n > 0 f(n) = 1 – 2n if n  0. Verify that f is a one-to-one correspondence. Therefore, | Z + | = | Z |.

8 Definition of Lesser Cardinality Set A has a cardinality less than or equal to the cardinality of a set B if there exists a one-to-one function from A to B. Write |A|  |B|. Then |A| < |B| means that there is a one-to- one function from A to B, but there is not a one-to-one correspondence from A to B.

9 Order Relations Among Infinite Sets Corollary: If |A|  |B| and |B|  |C|, then |A|  |C|. Corollary: If A  B, then |A|  |B|. Proof: Let A  B. Define the function f : A  B by f(a) = a. Clearly, f is one-to-one. Therefore, |A|  |B|.

10 Definition of Greater Cardinality We may define |A|  |B| to mean |B|  |A| and define |A| > |B| to mean |B| < |A|.

11 Definition of Greater Cardinality Theorem: |A|  |B| if and only if there exists an onto function from A to B. A B

12 Definition of Greater Cardinality Theorem: |A|  |B| if and only if there exists an onto function from A to B. A B f one-to-one function

13 Definition of Greater Cardinality Theorem: |A|  |B| if and only if there exists an onto function from A to B. A B g its inverse

14 Definition of Greater Cardinality Theorem: |A|  |B| if and only if there exists an onto function from A to B. A B g onto function

15 Order Relations Among Infinite Sets Corollary: If |A|  |B| and |B|  |C|, then |A|  |C|. Corollary: If |A|  |B| and |B|  |A|, then |A| = |B|. Etc.

16 Cardinality of the Interval (0, 1) Theorem: The interval (0, 1) has the same cardinality as R. Proof: The function f(x) = (x – ½)  establishes that |(0, 1)| = |(–  /2,  /2)|. The function g(x) = tan x establishes that |(–  /2,  /2)| = | R |. Therefore, |(0, 1)| = | R |.

17 Countable Sets A set is countable if it either is finite or has the same cardinality as Z +. Examples: 2 Z and Z are countable. To show that an infinite set is countable, it suffices to give an algorithm for listing, or enumerating, the elements in such a way that each element appears exactly once in the list.

18 Example: Countable Sets Theorem: The number of strings of finite length consisting of the characters a, b, and c is countable. Correct proof: Group the strings by length: {  }, { a, b, c }, { aa, ab, …, cc }, … Arrange the strings alphabetically within groups.

19 Canonical Ordering This gives the canonical order , a, b, c, aa, ab, ac, ba, …, cc, aaa, aab, …, ccc, aaaa, aaab, …, where  denotes the empty string. Consider the string bbabc. How do we know that it will appear in the list? In what position will it appear?

20 Incorrect Proof Incorrect Proof: Group the strings by their first letter { a, aa, ab, …}, { b, ba, bb, …}, { c, ca, cb, …}. Within those groups, group those words by their second letter, and so on. List the a -group first, the b -group second, and the c -group last. In what position will we find the string bbabc ? the string abc ? the string aaaab ?

21 Example: Countable Sets Theorem: Q is countable. Proof: Arrange the positive rationals in an infinite two-dimensional array. 1/11/21/31/4… 2/12/22/32/4… 3/13/23/33/4… 4/14/24/34/4… ::::

22 Proof of Countability of Q Then list the numbers by diagonals 1/11/21/31/4… 2/12/22/32/4… 3/13/23/33/4… 4/14/24/34/4… ::::

23 Proof of Countability of Q We get the list 1/1, 2/1, 1/2, 3/1, 2/2, 1/3, 4/1, 2/3, 3/2, 1/4, 5/1, 4/2, 3/3, 2/4, 1/5, … Then remove the repeated fractions, i.e., the unreduced ones 1/1, 2/1, 1/2, 3/1, 1/3, 4/1, 2/3, 3/2, 1/4, 5/1, 1/5, … In what position will we find 3/5?

24 False Proof of the Countability of Q Incorrect listing #1 List the rationals from in order according to size. Incorrect listing #2 List all fractions with denominator 1 first. Follow that list with all fractions with denominator 2. And so on.

25 Uncountable Sets A set is uncountable if it is not countable.

26 R is Uncountable Theorem: R is uncountable. Proof: It suffices to show that the interval (0, 1) is uncountable. Suppose (0, 1) is countable. Then we may list its members 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, and so on.

27 R is Uncountable Label them x 1, x 2, x 3, and so on. Represent each x i by its decimal expansion. x 1 = 0.d 11 d 12 d 13 … x 2 = 0.d 21 d 22 d 23 … x 3 = 0.d 31 d 32 d 33 … and so on, where d ij is the j-th decimal digit of x i.

28 R is Uncountable Form a number x = 0.d 1 d 2 d 3 … as follows. Define d i = 0 if d ii  0. Define d i = 1 if d ii = 0. Then x  (0, 1), but x is not in the list x 1, x 2, x 3, … This is a contradiction. Therefore, R is not countable.

29 Functions from Z + to Z + Theorem: The number of functions f : Z +  Z + is uncountable. Proof: Suppose there are only countably many. List them f 1, f 2, f 3, …

30 Functions from Z + to Z + Define a function f : Z +  Z + as follows. f(i) = 0 if f i (i)  0. f(i) = 1 if f i (i) = 0. Then f(i)  f i (i) for all i in Z +. Therefore, f is not in the list. This is a contradiction. Therefore, the set is uncountable.

31 Number of Computer Programs Theorem: The set of all computer programs is countable. Proof: Once compiled, a computer program is a finite string of 0 s and 1 s. The set of all computer programs is a subset of the set of all finite binary strings.

32 Number of Computer Programs This set may be listed , 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, 001, 010, …, 111, 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, …, 1111, … Therefore, it is countable. As a subset of this set, the set of computer programs is countable.

33 Computability of Functions Corollary: There exists a function f : Z +  Z + which cannot be computed by any computer program.

34 Subsets of N There are uncountably many subsets of N. However, there are countably many finite subsets of N. Can you prove it?

35 Cardinality of the Power Set Theorem: For any set A, |A| < |  (A)|. Proof: There is a one-to-one function f : A   (A) defined by f(x) = {x}. Therefore, |A|  |  (A)|. We must prove that there does not exist a one-to-one correspondence from A to  (A).

36 Proof, continued That is, we must prove that there does not exist an onto function from A to  (A). Suppose g : A   (A) is onto. For every x  A, either x  g(x) or x  g(x). Define a set B = {x  A | x  g(x)}. Then B   (A), since B  A. So B = g(a) for some a  A (since g is onto, by assumption).

37 Proof, continued Is a  g(a)? Case 1: Suppose a  g(a). Then a  B, by the definition of B. But B = g(a), so a  g(a), a contradiction. Case 2: Suppose a  g(a). Then a  B, by the definition of B. But B = g(a), so a  g(a), a contradiction.

38 Proof, concluded Either way, we have a contradiction. Therefore, no such one-to-one function exists. Thus, |A| < |  (A)|.

39 Hierarchy of Cardinalities Beginning with Z +, consider the sets Z +,  ( Z + ),  (  ( Z + )), … Each set has a cardinality strictly greater than its predecessor. | Z + | < |  ( Z + )| < |  (  ( Z + ))| < … These cardinalities are denoted  0,  1,  2, …(aleph-naught, aleph-one, aleph-two, …)

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